
Image : Image was made by me for other International Contest (held by some Medical Institute,USA in the year 2021), 'An intuitive of electromagnetic radiation flowing over epithelial tissue'.

This is an open-access page. All the content can be freely downloaded after sign-up. This webpage contains datasets and models, which are in support of my Research claim/discovery and also used in my Invited/Keynote/Featured/Speaker Presentations.


Microscopic image based analysis plays an important role in histopathological computer based diagnostics. Identification of childhood medulloblastoma and its proper subtype from biopsy tissue specimen of childhood tumor is an integral part for prognosis.The dataset is of Childhood medulloblastoma (CMB) biopsy samples. The images are of 10x and 100x microscopic magnifications, uploaded in separate folders. The images consist of normal brain tissue cell samples and CMB cell samples of different WHO defined subtypes. An excel sheet is also uploaded for ease of data description.
