Solar Radiation

This dataset includes 30 hyperspectral cloud images captured during the Summer and Fall of 2022 at Auburn University at Montgomery, Alabama, USA (Latitude N, Longitude W) using aResonon Pika XC2 Hyperspectral Imaging Camera. Utilizing the Spectronon software, the images were recorded with integration times between 9.0-12.0 ms, a frame rate of approximately 45 Hz, and a scan rate of 0.93 degrees per second. The images are calibrated to give spectral radiance in microflicks at 462 spectral bands in the 400 – 1000 nm wavelength region with a spectral resolution of 1.9 nm.


PV Solar Power System Under Partial Shading Irradiance Conditions

Operation of a solar photovoltaic (PV) array connected to a variable DC source to plot the l-V and P-V characteristics under partial shading irradiance conditions.


The dataset contains the result of the multi-objective optimization for finding the optimal dimensions and orientation of three common types of greenhouses (Even-span, Modified arch, Quonset) for maximizing the solar radiation transmitted to the greenhouse in winter and minimizing it in summer.


Different instruments, satellite data and simulation softwares are available for measuring solar irradiation intensities but efficiency and accuracy of all devices are different. This paper represents detailed comparison of various measuring instruments based on efficiency, cost effectiveness, availability, accuracy, compactness and reliability .Importing solar radiation measurement instruments is very costly from economic and maintenance point of view for developing countries so it is preferred to construct devices from locally available equipments.
