
This study used boots, aircraft, cells, pliers, and guitars from 2D shapes included in the literature as data sets to test modeling success. These 2D shapes, which are mostly not publicly available data sets, form the target curves of IP. In this study, hand drawings with a curved structure were used in modeling, where the success of fitting precision could be better determined.


This database is from a family of studies about the user-perceived quality and functional suitability of DEMO's Process and Fact Models. It includes three different samples. Sample 1 consists of the results from a group of professionals within the urban appraisal area. Sample 2 consists of the results from a group of health professionals. Finally, Sample 3 includes the results from a group of students trained in the DEMO standard. 


This code implements an adaptive control system comprising a plant model, reference model, and adaptive controller. The plant and reference models are represented as linear state-space systems, while the adaptive controller employs a nonlinear IO system to adjust control parameters based on input signals and system states. The adaptive controller's internal dynamics are governed by differential equations, facilitating real-time adjustments to the control law coefficients.


Physically unclonable functions (PUFs) are foundational components that offer a cost-efficient and promising solution for diverse security applications, including countering integrated circuit (IC) counterfeiting, generating secret keys, and enabling lightweight authentication. PUFs exploit semiconductor variations in ICs to derive inherent responses from imposed challenges, creating unique challenge-response pairs (CRPs) for individual devices. Analyzing PUF security is pivotal for identifying device vulnerabilities and ensuring response credibility.


Groove is a key structure of high-performance integral cutting tools. It has to be manufactured by 5-axis grinding machine due to its complex spatial geometry and hard materials. The crucial manufacturing parameters (CMP) are grinding wheel positions and geometries. However, it is a challenging problem to solve the CMP for the designed groove. The traditional trial-and-error or analytical methods have defects such as time-consuming, limited-applying and low accuracy.


The relative binding affiniy values of all 8000 tripeptide sequenses are shown here. The values are standardized by isoforms so that the mean is zero and the variance is one. The sequences are ordered by the results of hierarchical cluster analysis. 


This dataset contains leg joint kinematics, kinetics, and EMG activity from an experimental protocol approved by the Institutional Review Board at the University of Texas at Dallas. Ten able-bodied subjects walked at steady speeds and inclines on a Bertec instrumented treadmill for one minute per trial. Each subject walked at every combination of the speeds 0.8 m/s, 1.0 m/s, and 1.2 m/s and inclines from -10 degrees to +10 degrees at 2.5 degree increments, for a total of 27 trials.


The dataset contains fundamental approaches regarding modeling individual photovoltaic (PV) solar cells, panels and combines into array and how to use experimental test data as typical curves to generate a mathematical model for a PV solar panel or array.



This work presents the performance evaluation of incremental conductance maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm for solar photovoltaic (PV) systems under rapidly changing irradiation condition. The simulation model, carried out in Matlab and Simulink, includes the PV solar panel, the dc/dc buck converter and the MPPT controller. This model provides a good evaluation of performance of MPPT control for PV systems.
