Anthropometric studies focusing on facial metrics and their proportions form an important research area devoted to observations of the appearance of the human skull. Many different applications include the use of craniometry for maxillofacial reconstruction and surgery. The paper and the associated dataset explores the possibility of using selected craniometric points and associated metric to observe spatial changes during the maxillofacial surgery treatment. The experimental dataset includes observations of 27 individuals.
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Conventionally, the texture of the object is used for material imaging. However, this method can mistake an image of an object, for the object itself. This dataset furthers a new and more relevant method to classify the material of an object. This data is richer, compared to RGB images, because the time of flight responses correlate with the material property of an object. This makes the features, thus extracted, more suitable to infer the material information.
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These data are used for studying the P2P-based distributed transactive energy management problem in the distribution system. Considering that P2P trading is a form of the decentralized trading, a fully-decentralized computation algorithm without a central supervisor is proposed to compute our proposed model on a peer-to-peer basis.
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Fictional but realistic data for electricity generation gas-fired units
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Groove is a key structure of high-performance integral cutting tools. It has to be manufactured by 5-axis grinding machine due to its complex spatial geometry and hard materials. The crucial manufacturing parameters (CMP) are grinding wheel positions and geometries. However, it is a challenging problem to solve the CMP for the designed groove. The traditional trial-and-error or analytical methods have defects such as time-consuming, limited-applying and low accuracy.
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The dataset contains the data on ICU-transferred (N=100) and Stable (N=131) patients with COVID-19 (N=156) and Non-COVID-19 viral pneumonia (N=75). Among COVID-19 patients of this study, 82 patients developed Refractory Respiratory Failure (RRF) or Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (SARDS) and were transferred to Intensive Care Unit (ICU), 74 patients had a Stable course of disease and were not transferred to ICU. Collected data are presented as a table with columns:
- Gender;
- Age (years);
- SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR testing results;
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This is the data analysis done for the paper titled "The Effects of Human Aspects on the Requirements Engineering Process: A Systematic Literature Review" (submitted to IEEE Transcations on Software Engineering).
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