
This dateset is mainly used to submit simulation files and code related to the communication that has been submitted to IEEE-TAP.
The title of the communicationis ”Inverse Design Method Based on Spectral Analysis for Aperture Field Starting from Arbitrary Phaseless Radiation Pattern“.


The electric power system of a deep space vehicle is mission-critical, and needs to respond to faults intelligently and autonomously. 

An algorithm to determine the optimal operation of such a system is presented in the paper: P. Kulkarni, D. Aliprantis, B. Loop and N. Wu, 'Autonomous Power Dispatch for a Deep Space Vehicle Power System,' Proc. 2020 IEEE Power and Energy Conf. at Illinois (PECI), Champaign, IL.

This dataset contains the complete information about the system used in the case studies in this paper. 


This dataset was used in the article "Dias-Audibert FL, Navarro LC, de Oliveira DN, Delafiori J, Melo CFOR, Guerreiro TM, Rosa FT, Petenuci DL, Watanabe MAE, Velloso LA, Rocha AR and Catharino RR (2020) Combining Machine Learning and Metabolomics to Identify Weight Gain Biomarkers. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 8:6. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2020.00006", open access available at: https://doi.org/10.3389/fbioe.2020.00006.


This dataset refers to the case study performed in the paper "A Real Options Market-Based Approach to Increase Penetration of Renewables", submitted to IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. The file contains the Midcontinent ISO data used for the day-ahead prices, as well as the wind data from NREL's Wind Integration National Dataset Toolkit which was used to estimate the renewable productions in the case study.


Mp3 is a very popular audio format and hence it can be a good host for carrying hidden messages. Therefore, different steganography methods have been proposed for mp3 hosts. UnderMp3Cover is one of such algorithms and has some important advantage over other comparable methods. First, the popular steganography method mp3stego, works directly on non-compressed samples. Therefore, using covers that have been compressed before could lead to serious degradation of its security. UnderMp3Cover does not have this important limitation.
