The electrodes are sensors capable of reading EMG signals or ocular myoelectric activity during eye movements [1]. For this purpose, two vertical electrodes and two horizontal electrodes were used, with a reference electrode on the forehead (See the figure). 10 subjects performed 10 pseudo-random repetitions of each of the following eye movements during the experiment: Up, Down, Right, Left, no movement (fixation in the center) and blinking.
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Three well-known Border Gateway Anomalies (BGP) anomalies:
WannaCrypt, Moscow blackout, and Slammer, occurred in May 2017, May 2005, and January 2003, respectively.
The Route Views BGP update messages are publicly available from the University of Oregon Route Views Project and contain:
WannaCrypt, Moscow blackout, and Slammer: http://www.routeviews.org/routeviews/.
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The data include:
- Demographic data of the participants including: gender, group of participation and number of years in the company.
- Results of the use of Ethool including: expended time and subjective evaluation of if using a Likert of 5 points. Two different files are available corresponding to each iteration (prototype 1 and prototype 2).
- Results of the SUS questionnaire for both iterations (prototype 1 and prototype 2).
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Design and fabrication outsourcing has made integrated circuits vulnerable to malicious modifications by third parties known as hardware Trojan (HT). Over the last decade, the use of side-channel measurements for detecting the malicious manipulation of the chip has been extensively studied. However, the suggested approaches mostly suffer from two major limitations: reliance on trusted identical chip (e.i. golden chip); untraceable footprints of subtle hardware Trojans which remain inactive during the testing phase.
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This dataset contains the measurement data of a channel sounding campaign in the hull of a bulk carrier vessel at mmWave frequency 60.48 GHz. The directive radio channel for Line-of-Sight (LOS) communication is measured using the Terragraph channel sounder. An antenna beam width dependent PL model is created. At mmWave frequencies, LOS PL in the vessel is close to PL in a free space environment, but angular spread values are lower compared to other indoor scenarios.
The processing results of these measurements are presented in the following two papers.
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The dataset is generated by performing different MiTM attacks in the synthetic electric grid in RESLab testbed at Texas A&M University, US. The testbed primarily consists of a dynamic power system simulator (Powerworld Dynamic Studio), network emulator (CORE), Snort IDS, open DNP3 master and Elasticsearch's Packetbeat index. There are raw and processed files that can be used by security enthusiasts to develop new features and also to train IDS using our feature space respectively.
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