
In order to obtain the ex-ante least-cost schedule of energy generation and reserves for online generating units, the system operator addresses a dynamic decision-making process known as the economic dispatch (ED) problem. Current industry practice involves adopting a deterministic two-stage optimization framework that relies on a one-day-ahead horizon and a forecast of uncertain parameters. The optimal solution to the resulting problem thus yields a generation schedule for the entire day ahead.
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Representative videos of dMRI data from the numerical tests of the paper: "Kernel Regression Imputation in Manifolds via Bi-Linear Modeling: The Dynamic-MRI Case," by K. Slavakis, G. N. Shetty, L. Cannelli, G. Scutari, U. Nakarmi, and L. Ying.
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1. Movie "movie_S1.avi" demonstrates the normalized absolute element values of dynamic influence matrices and its scaled matrices by comb drive torque along the amplitude. The dynamic influence matrices are plotted according to the comb drive frequency component, index n, and the input frequency component, index m. The absolute values of the elements of the matrix are normalized by its maximum element. The maximum element is drawn in white and the normalized elements less than 10e−6 of the maximum element are depicted in black.
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Results(including reported and extra results) for LSstab. Please refer to our paper "Efficient real-time video stabilization with a novel least squares formulation and parallel AC-RANSAC".
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