Microarchitectural attacks have become more threatening the society than before with the increasing diversity of attacks such as Spectre and Meltdown. Vendor patches cannot keep up with the pace of the new threats, which makes the dynamic anomaly detection tools more evident than before. Unfortunately, hardware performance counters (HPCs) utilized in previous works lead to high performance overhead and detection of a few microarchitectural attacks due to the small number of counters that can be profiled concurrently.
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The dataset includes processed sequences of optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR) traces incorporating different types of fiber faults namely fiber cut, fiber eavesdropping (fiber tapping), dirty connector and bad splice. The dataset can be used for developping ML-based approaches for optical fiber fault detection, localization, idenification, and characterization.
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CalibDB is a database collected and organized by the PKVIC tool,
which is part of the work of paper "Supplement Missing Software Package Information in Security Vulnerability Reports"
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Calculations to compute the expected Bitcoin transaction efficiency (measured in transactions per block) using CRYSTALS-Dilithium vs using Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA).
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To determine the effectiveness of any defense mechanism, there is a need for comprehensive real-time network data that solely references various attack scenarios based on older software versions or unprotected ports, and so on. This presented dataset has entire network data at the time of several cyber attacks to enable experimentation on challenges based on implementing defense mechanisms on a larger scale. For collecting the data, we captured the network traffic of configured virtual machines using Wireshark and tcpdump.
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The evolution of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) introduces several benefits, such as real-time monitoring, pervasive control and self-healing. However, despite the valuable services, security and privacy issues still remain given the presence of legacy and insecure communication protocols like IEC 60870-5-104. IEC 60870-5-104 is an industrial protocol widely applied in critical infrastructures, such as the smart electrical grid and industrial healthcare systems.
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SCVIC-CIDS-2021 was created using the raw data in CIC-IDS-2018*, while this new dataset, SCVIC-CIDS-2022 is formed from NDSec-1** meta-data by following a similar procedure.
This dataset has been used in the following work:
J. Liu, M. Simsek, B. Kantarci, M. Bagheri, P. Djukic, "Bridging Networks and Hosts via Machine Learning-Based Intrusion Detection"; under review in IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.
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hysically unclonable functions (PUFs) are hardware security primitives that utilize non-reproducible manufacturing variations to provide device-specific challenge-response pairs (CRPs). Such primitives are desirable for applications such as communication and intellectual property protection. PUFs have been gaining considerable interest from both the academic and industrial communities because of their simplicity and stability. However, many recent studies have exposed PUFs to machine-learning (ML) modeling attacks.
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This abstract is based on the work described in the paper (submitted for IEEE Access review) titled "Evaluation of Machine Learning Model Improvement for Hardware Trojan Early Detection on Register Transfer Level Design Using Verilog/VHDL Code Branching Features". The submited dateset consist of 32 different trojan-inserted IP cores design. For each IP core design, the dataset provides some files that contain source code written in VHDL or Verilog design language. Some of the functions inside those files are malicious and some of them are clean.
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