The rocket nose-cone shapes have been generated by blending few conic sections together (two conic sections in one) and the simulated against mach number regime from subsonic through transonic to supersonic. The aerodynamic drag coefficients have been recoded for each shape for each mach number.
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The data of the AC report are collected from the website JUCHAO( through the crawler process of Python.
The text feature data is obtained by computing AC reports with the machine learning and text analysis methods of Python.
The data includes 1349 firms from 2014-2019, with 6987 observations.
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The data involves 15 years of daily data of DJI, S&P, and IXIC, ranging from 01/01/2005 to 12/31/2020.
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This is the market data of Bitcoin in terms of price and volume from August 2015 to August 2021. The time interval of sampling is selected as four-hour, that is to say, we choose every kind of price and volume every of four-hour as the original data. The original market data of Bitcoin are obtained from Poloniex, one of the most active crypto-asset exchanges.
Download link on XBlock:
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This data set contains nifty 50 companies and all their details of Open, Volume, Close, Adj Close, and name of the company.
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These are daily stock price data downloaded from Investors Exchange
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WannaCry Bitcoin Cash-in and Cash-out payment network data in JSON along with STIX representation of address 12t9YDPgwueZ9NyMgw519p7AA8isjr6SMw12t9YDPgwueZ9NyMgw519p7AA8isjr6SMw
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Agents in the electricity sector may find themselves in a short position in the market at times. In this case, they have the option of hedging their risk by contracting part or all of their position through fixed-price forward contracts. If the hedge is only partial, the non-contracted portion must be settled at an uncertain future spot price, which exposes the agent to price risk. On the other hand, while a full hedge eliminates the risk, it eliminates potential gains.
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The data was collected and represents the historical data of 6 currency pairs measured in 4-hour intervals: 4 major pairs such as GBP/USD, EUR/USD, USD/CHF, USD/JPY and 2 minor pairs such as EUR/GBP and GBP/JPY.
The data set covers the period from 01-2000 to 07-2020
Three files exists: the sequence dataset, the label dataset, and the legenda.
The legenda reports the follwoing information:
BBSignal, BBBreakoutSignal, LabelStrategy: SIGNAL_NONE=0 SIGNAL_BUY=1 SIGNAL_SELL=2 BarType and HAType: BAR_NONE=0 BAR_BULL=1
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