The dataset Provides S-parameter measurements of an AI enhanced wireless power transfer system using two ISO/ICE 14443-1 Coils with series capacitance compensation at 13.56 MHz under three configurations of vertical and horizontal misalignment, inter-coil distance, and azimuthal tilt. The structure and components of the system is shown in the Image attached to the Dataset This measured data validates the implementation of the system at the three coil configurations discussed in the publication.
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Intelligence and flexibility are the two main requirements for next-generation networks that can be implemented in network slicing (NetS) technology.This intelligence and flexibility can have different indicators in networks, such as proactivity and resilience. In this paper, we propose a novel proactive end-to-end (E2E) resource management in a packet-based model, supporting NetS.
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Molecular communication is a paradigm inspired by biological systems, where chemical signals encode and transmit information. MoSK (Molecule Shift Keying) is proposed as a modulation technique that utilizes different signaling molecules to encode digital information. MoSK mimics natural molecular communication by leveraging the diversity of signaling molecules and their specific roles. Experimental testbeds have been developed using microfluidic systems, droplet-based platforms, and biological cells to validate MoSK.
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The file contains the S4 data for 340GHz wave through the clear air. The data are obtained by a experimental setup working at 340 GHz, and the wave propagates throug the outdoor atmosphere, and the measured data are processed to the scintillation index data S4, the meteorogical data are given, too. The meteorogical data includes temperature with the unit of ℃,the water vapour density in unit of g/m3, and the wind speed in unit of m/s. the S4 data is in the last row in the dataset.
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The Internet Graphs (IGraphs) dataset is a substantial collection of real intra-AS (Autonomous System) graphs sourced from the Internet Topology Data Kit (ITDK) project. Comprising a total of 90,326 graphs, each ranging from 12 to 250 nodes, this dataset provides a diverse and extensive resource for the exploration and analysis of network structures within autonomous systems.
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The data set was used to produce three figures (Figs. 4, 5, and 6) in the experimental section of a manuscript submitted for review to the IEEE Communications Magazine. The submission, titled Lightweight Determinism in Large-Scale Networks, describes a novel approach to the realization of network determinism in packet-switched networks of generic size and topology.
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The data repository includes simulation parameters and results for the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) channel decoding applied to short block-lengths in Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channels. This research utilizes a Random Linear Code (RLC) in a Coded Modulation (CM) design at the encoder. Extensive simulations were conducted using IBM Quantum Lab and the ibmq_qasm_simulator back-end provided by IBM Quantum, simulating quantum circuits on classical hardware.
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The Transport-level pAcket RouTing ANalysis Tool for Cloud-native Applications (TARTAN) Dataset contains TARTAN/HiPerConTracer Traceroute runs between an endpoint in Oslo, Norway and the public Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN, and Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN, mirror we
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In this dataset, 4 radio channel measurements at 28 GHz are presented. These have been captured in two different spots of a highway with a fixed Tx and a mobile Rx onboard a car, emulating a V2I link. The Tx was placed both on the roadside (3 measurement runs) and on an overpass (1 measurement). Each run consists of around 4.29 s of continuously captured channel impulse responses (CIRs), with a channel sampling period of 65 μs and a delay resolution of 2 ns.
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