Biophysiological Signals

EEG signals of various subjects in text files are uploaded. It can be useful for various EEG signal processing algorithms- filtering, linear prediction, abnormality detection, PCA, ICA etc.
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Dataset description
This dataset contains EEG signals from 73 subjects (42 healthy; 31 disabled) using an ERP-based speller to control different brain-computer interface (BCI) applications. The demographics of the dataset can be found in info.txt. Additionally, you will find the results of the original study broken down by subject, the code to build the deep-learning models used in [1] (i.e., EEG-Inception, EEGNet, DeepConvNet, CNN-BLSTM) and a script to load the dataset.
Original article:
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This dataset contains cardiovascular data recorded during progressive exsanguination in a porcine model of hemorrhage. Both wearable and catheter-based sensors were used to capture cardiovascular function; the wearable system contained a fusion of ECG, SCG, and PPG sensors while the catheter-based system was comprised of pressure catheters in the aortic arch, femoral artery, and right and left atria via a Swan-Ganz catheter.
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Data are collected before and after percutaneous transluminal angiography (PTA) for dialysis patients.
Each sample is labeled as a-b-before.wav or a-b-after.wav and the associated txt, where a is the patient id and b is the location id.
The first position was the arterial-venous junction, and the second point was 3 cm from the first position along the vein.
The distances between the adjacent positions were also about 3 cm.
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Each voice sample is stored as a .WAV file, which is then pre-processed for acoustic analysis using the specan function from the WarbleR R package. Specan measures 22 acoustic parameters on acoustic signals for which the start and end times are provided.
The output from the pre-processed WAV files were saved into a CSV file, containing 3168 rows and 21 columns (20 columns for each feature and one label column for the classification of male or female).
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Synergistic prostheses enable the coordinated movement of the human-prosthetic arm, as required by activities of daily living. This is achieved by coupling the motion of the prosthesis to the human command, such as residual limb movement in motion-based interfaces. Previous studies demonstrated that developing human-prosthetic synergies in joint-space must consider individual motor behaviour and the intended task to be performed, requiring personalisation and task calibration.
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Ear-EEG recording collects brain signals from electrodes placed in the ear canal. Compared with existing scalp-EEG, ear-EEG is more wearable and user-comfortable compared with existing scalp-EEG.
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One subject, five different movements, four levels of motor imagery data.The sampling rate is 25Hz, a total of 33,000 lines.
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