*.csv; *.txt;
Database of energy consumption (Eihop) and Transmission Power P0, resulting from the manipulation of the variables: Nb (Number of bits per frame), i (Number of hops to the destination) and d (Distance between origin and destination) in Tmote Sky device Ultra-low power IEEE 802.15.4 (Moteiv). DataSet used in the learning process, via Machine Learning, of the transmission behavior of this device.
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The data was collected and represents the historical data of 6 currency pairs measured in 4-hour intervals: 4 major pairs such as GBP/USD, EUR/USD, USD/CHF, USD/JPY and 2 minor pairs such as EUR/GBP and GBP/JPY.
The data set covers the period from 01-2000 to 07-2020
Three files exists: the sequence dataset, the label dataset, and the legenda.
The legenda reports the follwoing information:
BBSignal, BBBreakoutSignal, LabelStrategy: SIGNAL_NONE=0 SIGNAL_BUY=1 SIGNAL_SELL=2 BarType and HAType: BAR_NONE=0 BAR_BULL=1
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Passwords that were leaked or stolen from sites. The Rockyou Dataset is about 14 million passwords.
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Note that, you must register on https://www.scholat.com, and join our team "new_media", finally download the dataset. Pretecting the user pravicy.
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We provide a public available database for arcing event detection. We design a platform for arcing fault simulation. The arc simulation is carried out in our local lab under room temperature. A general procedure to collect the arcing and normal current and voltage wave, is designed, which consists of turning on the load, generating arc, stoping arc, turning off the load. The data is collected by a 16bit, 10KHz high resolution recorder and a 12bit, 64000Hz low resolution sensor.
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