
This dataset contains supplementary data and information for
C. H. Teh, B. K. Chung and E. H. Lim, "Multilayer Wall Correction Factors for Indoor Ray-Tracing Radio Propagation Modeling," in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 604-608, Jan. 2020, doi: 10.1109/TAP.2019.2943397.
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Underground UE statistics measurements captured on u-blox SARAN211 NB-IoT device, frequency band 20. Signal waveform captured by means of Rohde&Schwartz TSMW device. The samples were taken along ca. 1600m of level -2 underground tunnel system under Lyngby Campus of Technical University of Denmark.
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This dataset contains supplementary data and information for
C. H. Teh, B. K. Chung and E. H. Lim, "An Accurate and Efficient 3-D Shooting-and- Bouncing-Polygon Ray Tracer for Radio Propagation Modeling," in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 66, no. 12, pp. 7244-7254, Dec. 2018, doi: 10.1109/TAP.2018.2874519.
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Encoding and decoding tables for Enhanced Reduced Media-Independent Interface. Dataset contains 3 sets of lookup tables implementing encoder and decoder. Proposed encoder/decoder garantee that 2-bit TXD/RXD will change each data transmission cycle, making it possible for ERMII interface to work without REF_CLK, TX_EN and CRS_DV lines in difference to regular RMII.
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This is the dataset of mmWave massive MIMO beamspace channels, which is used for the experiment implementation of the paper "Acquiring Measurement Matrices via Deep Basis Pursuit for Sparse Channel Estimation in mmWave Massive MIMO Systems". The source code of the experiment implementation is also open-access on the Github repository DeepBP-AE.
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Reddit is one of the largest social media websites in the world and it contains valuable data about its users and their perspectives organized into virtual communities or subreddits, based on common areas of interest. Substance use issues are particularly salient within this online community due to the burgeoning substance use (opioid) crisis within the United States among other countries. A particularly important location for understanding user perceptions of opioids is the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA region, due to the prevalence associated with overdose deaths. To collect user sen
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This dataset covers IP address assignment durations over 6 years, from 13/3/2014 to 26/6/2020. Around 600,000 assignment durations for IPv4 addresses and 190,000 durations for IPv6 addresses is covered. The dataset was processed from the archive of RIPE Atlas IP addresses of the Atlas probes installed behind NAT are included.
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The Costas condition on a permutation matrix, expressed as row indices as elements of a vector c, can be expressed as A*c=b, where b is a vector of integers in which no element is zero. A particular formulation of the matrix A allows a singular value decomposition in which the eigenvalues are squared integers and the eigenvalues may be scaled to vectors with all integer elements. This is a database of the Costas constraint matrices A, the scaled eigenvectors, and the squared eigenvalues for orders 3 through 100.
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The database contains the raw range-azimuth measurements obtained from mmWave MIMO radars (IWR1843BOOST deployed in different positions around a robotic manipulator.
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Supplementary material for the paper: 'Adaptive Block Compressive Imaging: towards a real-time and low complexity implementation'
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