This paper explores the cryptanalysis of the ASCON algorithm, a lightweight cryptographic method designed for applications like the Internet of Things (IoT). We utilize deep learning techniques to identify potential vulnerabilities within ASCON's structure. First, we provide an overview of how ASCON operates, including key generation and encryption processes.
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This paper explores the cryptanalysis of the ASCON algorithm, a lightweight cryptographic method designed for applications like the Internet of Things (IoT). We utilize deep learning techniques to identify potential vulnerabilities within ASCON's structure. First, we provide an overview of how ASCON operates, including key generation and encryption processes.
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Modern power systems face growing risks from cyber-physical attacks, necessitating enhanced resilience due to their societal function as critical infrastructures. The challenge is that defense of large-scale systems-of-systems requires scalability in their threat and risk assessment environment for cyber-physical analysis including cyber-informed transmission planning, decision-making, and intrusion response. Hence, we present a scalable discrete event simulation tool for analysis of energy systems, called DESTinE.
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Network Interface Cards (NICs) are one of the key enablers of the modern-day Internet. They serve as gateways for connecting computing devices to networks for the exchange of data with other devices. Recently, the pervasive nature of Internet-enabled devices coupled with the growing demands for faster network access have necessitated the enhancement of NICs to Smart NICs (SNICs), capable of processing enormous volumes of data at near real-time speed.
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This work presents a dataset based on multiple network and service metrics (KPIs and KQIs), the latest providing the E2E conditions of video on demand service. Particularly, the dataset also includes an attack situation where an attacker injects traffic into the network. In total, there are 3600 samples, with different configurations of Physical Resource Blocks and cell gain, from sessions of 60 seconds.
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This dataset presents approximately 200 hours of network traffic captures focused on online gaming and video streaming applications, addressing 5G-related challenges of high throughput and low latency. Collected in Ottawa, Canada, and globally from 11 mobile operators across nine countries, the data includes timestamps, packet lengths (bytes), protocols, and IP addresses. Supplementary information such as geolocation, content provider labels, and round-trip latency (ms) enhances usability.
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This dataset contains results and scripts from experiments evaluating the resilience of the QUIC protocol against handshake flooding attacks. It aims to support researchers and developers in analyzing the performance of QUIC against handshake flooding attacks. The experiments utilize three prominent QUIC implementations: aioquic, quic-go, and picoquic, providing a comprehensive comparison of their resilience. Additionally, to benchmark the performance and resilience of QUIC, SYN flood attacks were conducted against TCP with SYN cookies.
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This is a videoconference between a witness about murders who is a victim of many crimes and a law firm. This witness is called Colin Paul Gloster. This law firm is called Pais do Amaral Advogados.
\begin{quotation}``A significant part of the background of eh this process is that Hospital
Sobral Cid tortured me during 2013 eh but eh this process is actually
about consequences eh thru through a later process [. . .] To obscure eh
this torture of 2013, eh a new show trial was intitiated. Its process was
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This dataset was produced as part of the NANCY project (, with the aim of using it in the fields of communication and
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According to the description in the paper, we have provided a total of 25 datasets corresponding to different Problems (including 14 publicly available challenges and 11 self-constructed ones).
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