
State-space representation is a practical, efficient and reliable way to evaluate the high-frequency interaction of a transformer with the power network under different types of disturbances. Currently, this representation is available in commercial electromagnetic transient programs; however, this important tool is not yet implemented in the alternative transient program ATP. This paper describes the implementation methodology of the state-space model of the power transformer in ATP using the Norton type-94 component and foreign models.


Abstract (for details, seeĀ https://osf.io/e4rvz/)

Last Updated On: 
Thu, 01/27/2022 - 18:19
Citation Author(s): 
Ji-Ping Lin

The project is conceptualized to 'Geo Web-Based Facility Mapping for Zone-2 in Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation- GVMC in Visakhapatnam, India'. The main objective is to share the spatial data to the public to help them find the information about the nearest Hospital, ATM, Educational institutions, petrol filling stations, and supermarkets by providing both web map services and web coverage services using QGIS Cloud.


The graphical user interface (GUI) for memristor is designed under MATLAB GUIDE to study and visualize it's characteristics in interactive way. The GUI is developed so as to study by taking sinusoidal, square and triangular signal waveform only.
