
    OpenCL has become the favored framework for emerging heterogeneous devices and FPGAs, owing to its versatility and portability.

    However, OpenCL-based math libraries still face challenges in fully leveraging device performance.

    When deploying high-performance arithmetic applications on these devices, the most important hot function is General Matrix-matrix Multiplication (GEMM).

    This study presents a meticulously optimized OpenCL GEMM kernel.


<p>Mixed critical applications are real-time applications that have a combination of both high and low-critical tasks. Each task set has primary tasks and two backups of high-critical tasks. In the work carried out, different synthetic workloads and case studies are used for extracting the schedule and overhead data on a real-time operating system. The utilization of the task sets lies between 0.7 to 2.4.The Linux kernel is recompiled with Litmus-RT API to monitor the scheduling decisions and also measure the overheads incurred.


This dataset contains the data for the curves in the paper entitled "Compact All-Metal In-Line Combline Coaxial Cavity Diplexer".

These curve show the group delay at the three ports of the diplexer, the narrowband synthesized and measured responses of the scattering parameters, the wideband measured responses of the scattering parameters.


Aself-moving piezoelectric actuator (SMPA) with high carrying/positioning capability is presented in this article. Its Π-shaped mechanical part comprises four piezo-legs, each of which combines the bending vibrations in the first three orders into the motion in the quasi- sawtooth waveform at the driving foot. Besides, a homemade onboard circuit is integrated with the mechanical part to form compact structure.


The Big Five Inventory-2 (BFI-2) is one of the most used questionnaires to assess personality traits, distinguishing 15 facets. Despite its usage, there is still room for research to improve its psychometric properties. We applied the Rasch analysis (RA) to transform the BFI-2 into an instrument consisting of actual interval scales (obtaining the BFI-2-R), involving 5362 Italian adults. Five confirmatory factor analyses supported the three-facet structure of each trait. This structure resulted invariant at the scalar level across sex.


This dataset, created using FEKO software, serves to investigate the impact of human body blockage on electromagnetic (EM) fields as observed by receiver antennas arranged in dense 2D/3D arrays. The simulation scenario involves an Hertzian dipole emitting radiation at 2.4868 GHz and positioned at a height of 0.99 meters. Field measurements are taken over a 3D array with multiple 2D arrays at varying distances from the source. An anthropomorphic obstacle representing a human body is included, featuring dimensions and material properties based on muscle composition.


Scatterplots provide a visual representation of bivariate data (or 2D embeddings of multivariate data) that allows for effective analyses of data dependencies, clusters, trends, and outliers. Unfortunately, classical scatterplots suffer from scalability issues, since growing data sizes eventually lead to overplotting and visual clutter on a screen with a fixed resolution, which hinders the data analysis process. We propose an algorithm that compensates for irregular sample distributions by a smooth transformation of the scatterplot's visual domain.


This dataset was obtained from the ionogram at Kupang in 2022 to investigate the frequency window of the Near Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) channel with homogenous Time of Flight (ToF) values. All data is in the form of.mat files (MATLAB). The first dataset is in Matlab variables ('DataWidthFrekHourly','DataCenterWidthFrekHourly'), which consist of maximum window frequency values with homogenous ToF and the center frequency of the widest window. The structure of the data array is 96x365, with the row as the time (1:96) and the column as the day in one year (1:365).


This is the supplementary document for the review paper titled “Comprehensive and Data-Driven Literature Review of Supernumerary Robotic Limbs,” which presents a comprehensive and data-driven review that offers a quantitative analysis of Supernumerary Robotic Limbs (SRLs), covering application areas, structural designs, control strategies, embodiments, and their interconnections.

