
TThe dataset contains Tweet IDs related to Twitter communication in the field of corporate social responsibility, which were downloaded for the period from January 1, 2017 to April 31, 2022. These are 520,638 from 168,134 different users. This dataset contained all tweets containing the hashtag #csr for the period under study.
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TThe dataset contains Tweet IDs related to Twitter communication in the field of corporate social responsibility, which were downloaded for the period from January 1, 2017 to April 31, 2022. These are 520,638 from 168,134 different users. This dataset contained all tweets containing the hashtag #csr for the period under study.
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TThe dataset contains Tweet IDs related to Twitter communication in the field of corporate social responsibility, which were downloaded for the period from January 1, 2017 to April 31, 2022. These are 520,638 from 168,134 different users. This dataset contained all tweets containing the hashtag #csr for the period under study.
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This dataset contains cryogenic Id-Vd and Id-Vg data for N- and P-MOSFET (W/L = 10 μm/1μm) from 300 K to 4 K. These data contain the I-V data corresponding to different Vds, including the data of linear region and saturation region. A Keysight B1500A semiconductor analyzer attached to a pulse tube refrigerator was used to measure these data. The transconductance, threshold voltage, subthreshold swing, and other parameters of Cryo-CMOS can be obtained by processing these data.
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NAND Flash-based Synthetic Block IO traces from FIO benchmark is focused on understanding characteristics of flash memoy under various access patterns. The dataset comprises distinct seven wrorkloads.
Workoad 1 and 2 are sequential write workloads. Workload 1 represents the typical seuqential write pattern, while Workload 2 represents partioning sequential write pattern, dividing 8 logical partitions.
Workload 3 and 4 are random write workloads. Workload 3 follows a uniform random distribution, and Worklod 4 follows the Zipfian random distribution with a theta of 0.8.
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Please cite the following paper when using this dataset:
N. Thakur, S. Cui, K. A. Patel, N. Azizi, V. Knieling, C. Han, A. Poon, and R. Shah, “Marburg Virus Outbreak and a New Conspiracy Theory: Findings from a Comprehensive Analysis and Forecasting of Web Behavior,” Journal of Computation, Vol. 11, Issue. 11, Article. 234, Nov. 2023, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/computation11110234
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Scalability is a common issue among the most used permissionless blockchains, and several approaches have been proposed to solve this issue. Tackling scalability while preserving the security and decentralization of the network is a significant challenge. To deliver effective scaling solutions, Ethereum achieved a major protocol improvement, including a change in the consensus mechanism towards Proof of Stake. This improvement aimed a vast reduction of the hardware requirements to run a node, leading to significant sustainability benefits with a lower network energy consumption.
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The Transport-level pAcket RouTing ANalysis Tool for Cloud-native Applications (TARTAN) Dataset contains TARTAN/HiPerConTracer Traceroute runs between an endpoint in Oslo, Norway and the public Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN, https://www.ctan.org) and Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN, https://cran.r-project.org) mirror we
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Loss of hand function severely impacts the independence of people with spinal cord injuries (SCI) between C5 and C7. To achieve limited grasps or strengthen grip around small objects, these individuals commonly employ a compensatory technique to passively induce finger flexion by extending their wrist. Passive body-powered devices using wrist-driven actuation have been developed to assist this function, in addition to advancements in active robotic devices aimed at finger articulation for dexterous manipulation.
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