
Scatterplots provide a visual representation of bivariate data (or 2D embeddings of multivariate data) that allows for effective analyses of data dependencies, clusters, trends, and outliers. Unfortunately, classical scatterplots suffer from scalability issues, since growing data sizes eventually lead to overplotting and visual clutter on a screen with a fixed resolution, which hinders the data analysis process. We propose an algorithm that compensates for irregular sample distributions by a smooth transformation of the scatterplot's visual domain.
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This dataset was obtained from the ionogram at Kupang in 2022 to investigate the frequency window of the Near Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) channel with homogenous Time of Flight (ToF) values. All data is in the form of.mat files (MATLAB). The first dataset is in Matlab variables ('DataWidthFrekHourly','DataCenterWidthFrekHourly'), which consist of maximum window frequency values with homogenous ToF and the center frequency of the widest window. The structure of the data array is 96x365, with the row as the time (1:96) and the column as the day in one year (1:365).
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To access this dataset without purchasing an IEEE Dataport subscription, please visit: https://zenodo.org/doi/10.5281/zenodo.11711229
Please cite the following paper when using this dataset:
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This is the supplementary document for the review paper titled “Comprehensive and Data-Driven Literature Review of Supernumerary Robotic Limbs,” which presents a comprehensive and data-driven review that offers a quantitative analysis of Supernumerary Robotic Limbs (SRLs), covering application areas, structural designs, control strategies, embodiments, and their interconnections.
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A craniometry study was undertaken to obtain anthropometric measurements of three hundred and five (305) medical staff within Trinidad & Tobago which is a twin island republic situated in the Caribbean. A non-contact measurement method was used involving 3D scanning equipment to record the geometry of each subject’s head as a digital file. The digital files were then processed using CAD software to obtain measurements for twenty-two (22) facial points of interest. In addition, the gender of each staff member was recorded.
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MS-BioGraphs are a family of sequence similarity graph datasets with up to 2.5 trillion edges. The graphs are weighted edges and presented in compressed WebGraph format. The dataset include symmetric and asymmetric graphs. The largest graph has been created by matching sequences in Metaclust dataset with 1.7 billion sequences. These real-world graph dataset are useful for measuring contributions in High-Performance Computing and High-Performance Graph Processing.
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The Cora dataset consists of 2708 scientific publications classified into one of seven classes. The citation network consists of 5429 links. Each publication in the dataset is described by a 0/1-valued word vector indicating the absence/presence of the corresponding word from the dictionary. The dictionary consists of 1433 unique words.
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The e-commerce market heavily relies on e-coupons, and their digital nature presents challenges in establishing a secure e-coupon infrastructure, which incurs maintenance costs. To address this, we explore using public blockchains for the e-coupon system, providing a highly reliable decentralized infrastructure with no maintenance costs. Storing coupon information on a blockchain ensures tamper resistance and protection against double redemption. However, using public blockchains shifts gas cost responsibility to users, potentially impacting user experience if not managed carefully.
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We report a continuous-wave Ti:sapphire laser with an output power of 1.03 W, achieved with two low-cost single-emitter diode pumps, both of blue wavelength (448 and 468 nm). Using a novel strategy of combining blue-wavelength pumping with a long, low-doping Ti:sapphire crystal, we maximise the available pump power while minimising deleterious effects associated with blue pump wavelengths, demonstrating Watt-level output powers.
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This study investigates whether the ingredients listed on restaurant menus can provide insights into a city's socioeconomic status. Using data from an online food delivery system, the study compares menu items with local education rates and rental prices. A machine learning model is developed to predict menu prices based on ingredients and socioeconomic factors. An efficiency metric is proposed to cluster restaurants to address autocorrelation, comparing ingredient averages to socioeconomic indicators.
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