Animal detection

This dataset is shared as part of the paper Towards scalable and low-cost WiFi sensing: preventing animal-vehicle collisions on rural roads, submitted to the IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoT-J). It contains Wi-Fi Channel State Information (CSI) data from roadway crossings of small and large animals, persons and vehicles in rural environments.


Animal recognition is an active research topic in recent years. Horse’s recognition is an important task in the world and  in  order  to  promote  horse’s  recognition  research,  the  Tunisian  Research  Groups  in  Intelligent  Machines  of University of Sfax (REGIM of Sfax) will provide the Tunisian Horses DataBase of Regim Lab’2015 (THoDBRL’2015) freely of charge to mainly horses’ face recognition researchers and to increase total of researches done to enhance animal recognition. This Database is used in [1].


Animal detection is an active research topic in recent years. Horse’s face detection is an important task in the world and in order to promote horse’s detection and recognition research, the REGIM-Lab.: REsearch Groups in Intelligent Machines, ENIS, University of Sfax, Tunisia will provide the Tunisian Horse Detection Database (THDD) freely of charge to mainly horses’ face detection researchers and to increase total of researches done to enhance animal detection.
