The electric power system of a deep space vehicle is mission-critical, and needs to respond to faults intelligently and autonomously.
An algorithm to determine the optimal operation of such a system is presented in the paper: P. Kulkarni, D. Aliprantis, B. Loop and N. Wu, 'Autonomous Power Dispatch for a Deep Space Vehicle Power System,' Proc. 2020 IEEE Power and Energy Conf. at Illinois (PECI), Champaign, IL.
This dataset contains the complete information about the system used in the case studies in this paper.
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- When the material is supplemented, I will clean it up and repost it. -
A typical hearing aid can't be distinguished by mixing sounds in noisy places or in a multi-person voice environment.
This is due to the limited performance of the amplifier inside the hearing aid. This may be due to the lack of linearity of the amplifier, or because of transistor-specific characteristics.
By applying high-quality amplifier technology to these hearing aids, several sounds can be separated and listened well.
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This dataset was used in the article "Dias-Audibert FL, Navarro LC, de Oliveira DN, Delafiori J, Melo CFOR, Guerreiro TM, Rosa FT, Petenuci DL, Watanabe MAE, Velloso LA, Rocha AR and Catharino RR (2020) Combining Machine Learning and Metabolomics to Identify Weight Gain Biomarkers. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 8:6. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2020.00006", open access available at: https://doi.org/10.3389/fbioe.2020.00006.
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Smart Grids (SG) are a novel paradigm introduced for optimizing the management of the power generation, transmission, distribution and consumption. A SG system can efficiently work only if all the components are connected through a communication network able to satisfy the SG applications requirements. Wireless communications are the most appropriate candidates for handling SG requirements due to their flexibility.
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Supplementary Material for IEEE-TII Transaction Article "Controller Design for Electrical Drives by Deep Reinforcement Learning - a Proof of Concept"
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All technologies is adapting renewable energy source to reduce pollution in the environment. Aircraft uses fuel which causes great amount of C02 emission which pollutes the environment. So to reduce the pollution caused by aircrafts,research is going on aircrafts for being converted to more electric aircrafts(MEA) or hybrid aircrafts(HEA) which will require energy storage which is light and of huge capacity. The main challenge is energy storage in aircrafts and I will be discussing about this issue in this report.
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Microbial fuel cells (MFC) are one of the best sources of renewable energy but the power density achieved till now is not enough for present as well as future application purpose. Recent research gives us hope that a high amount of power density can be achieved by doing various modifications at different functional levels on the paper based MFC.
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One of the materials that is commonly being used in electronics applications is paper. It is flexible, cheap, highly available, and allows for simple manufacturing when paired with methods such as screen printing or inkjet printing. Proposed below is an optogenetic device that uses paper as the sole substrate, with a screenprinted PCB with Ag/AgCl wires. This device was quick and easy to manufacture, unlike the state of the art optoelectronic devices that use polymers and rely on complex fabrication methods such as photolithography.
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