Different instruments, satellite data and simulation softwares are available for measuring solar irradiation intensities but efficiency and accuracy of all devices are different. This paper represents detailed comparison of various measuring instruments based on efficiency, cost effectiveness, availability, accuracy, compactness and reliability .Importing solar radiation measurement instruments is very costly from economic and maintenance point of view for developing countries so it is preferred to construct devices from locally available equipments.
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Experiments are conducted on a polishing industrial robot using the CompuGauge robot performance analysis system. The aim of this experiment is to explore the influences of link dimension errors and joint torsional angle errors on the positional accuracy reliability for single coordinate, single point, multipoint and trajectory accuracy of industrial robots.
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This report outlines the derivation of the first-, second-, and third-order Taylor series expansions of the power flow solution; it is the Electronic Companion of the following paper:
R. A. Jabr, “High-order approximate power flow solutions and circular arithmetic applications,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 5053-5062, November 2019.
The derivation is carried out in complex variables via the use of Wirtinger calculus.
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The fringes disappearance phenomenon in the self-mixing interferometry occurs whenever the external round-trip phase at free-running state is modulated by either external modulation such as external cavity length changes or internal modulation when the laser injection current is modulated with a high back-scattered light power. This phenomenon has been observed by many authors for harmonic motion or vibration application, and more recently in the case of the absolute distance measurement scheme when the laser injection current is modulated in the triangle waveform.
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