This database is a image set of a strongest glint-affected region of inland water Capivara reservoir, Brazil. We carried out a flight survey in September 2016 on the confluence region of the Tibagi and Paranapanema Rivers. We use the hyperspectral camera manufactured by Rikola, model FPI2014, wich collect 25 spectral bands at following intervals and full widths at half maximum (FWHM), both expressed in nanometers (nm):
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Emergency managers of today grapple with post-hurricane damage assessment that is often labor-intensive, slow,costly, and error-prone. As an important first step towards addressing the challenge, this paper presents the development of benchmark datasets to enable the automatic detection ofdamaged buildings from post-hurricane remote sensing imagerytaken from both airborne and satellite sensors. Our work has two major contributions: (1) we propose a scalable framework to create benchmark datasets of hurricane-damaged buildings
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