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This dataset contains Wi-Fi sensing data using Channel State Information (CSI) for various sleep disturbance parameters, from respiratory disturbances, to motion-based disturbances from posture shifts, leg restlessness and confusional arousals.The Wi-Fi CSI data was collected using the Wi-Fi module on the ESP32 Microcontroller units using the esp32-csi-tool.The Wi-Fi CSI respiratory disturbance data is accompanied by respiration belt data taken with the Wi-Fi measurements simultaneously using the Neulog NUL-236 respiration belt logger as ground truth.


This dataset contains Wi-Fi sensing data using Channel State Information (CSI) for respiration rate measurements in a standard 3m x 3m room. The Wi-Fi CSI data was collected using the Wi-Fi module on the ESP32 Microcontroller units using the esp32-csi-tool. The Wi-Fi CSI data is accompanied by respiration belt data taken with the Wi-Fi measurements simultaneously using the Neulog NUL-236 respiration belt logger as ground truth.
