Standards Research Data
An example of the implementation of the SCQP method using the lin operator is included in the file. This file details an optimal control problem involving an inverted pendulum, solved with the sequential convex quadratic programming (SCQP) method, and is based on the example presented in the publication: R. Verschueren, N. van Duijkeren, R. Quirynen, M. Diehl, Moritz, "Exploiting Convexity in Direct Optimal Control: A Sequential Convex Quadratic Programming Method," Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Decision and Control, 2016, pp. 1099 - 1104.
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We collected BV , RON;SP from over 80 publications reported since the year 2000 and classified them according to their - main- topology and process type.
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Component based software development (CBSD) is a trend in the indusrty. This dataset contains the size of the components in various softwares viz. WEKA, Apache crypto library, Apache Codec library and basic linear alebra library by M. Elsheimy. The first three are in Java and last one is in C# programming languages, From the WEKA repository, 11 packages have been considered,
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The 5K EPP Dataset includes 5007 photos of water crystaks classified in 13 categories. This dataset was created under the leaderhip of Prof. Masaru Emoto.
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We have long known that the characterization of protein three-dimensional structure is key to obtaining a detailed understanding of protein function. Computational approaches to protein structure characterization have largely addressed a narrow formulation of the problem, where the goal is the determination of one structure, also known as the native structure, from a given protein amino-acid sequence. However, many researchers over the years have argued for broadening our view of proteins to account for the multiplicity of native structures.
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Our datasets_PAGML isbased on two public benchmark datasets SHREC2013 and SHREC2014. Sketches are the same as the original datasets. Each 3D shape in the the original datasets is represented as 12 views.
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The FLoRI21 dataset provides ultra-widefield fluorescein angiography (UWF FA) images for the development and evaluation of retinal image registration algorithms. Images are included across five subjects. For each subject, there is one montage FA image that serves as the common reference image for registration and a set of two or more individual ("raw") FA images (taken over multiple clinic visits) that are target images for registration. Overall, these constitute 15 reference-target image pairs for image registration.
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Please cite the following paper when using this dataset:
N. Thakur, "Twitter Big Data as a Resource for Exoskeleton Research: A Large-Scale Dataset of about 140,000 Tweets from 2017–2022 and 100 Research Questions", Journal of Analytics, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2022, pp. 72-97, DOI:
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