
Blockchain is a kind of distributed account book. It uses many cryptographic techniques to ensure the data security and not tampered with. In our uploaded dataset file, the block chain structure code is included.
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Key is the core element of constructing Bitcoin trust network. The key usually consists of private key and public key. The private key is used to generate signatures and the public key is used to generate addresses. Bitcoin keys are generated by the elliptic curve algorithm SECP256k1. This data set contains the core code to generate the key.
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DECA is widely used as a protocol to describe the fuel economy and battery load of vehicles. Meanwhile, Carsim is universally accepted as a reliable tool to analyze vehicle dynamics. Therefore, it is of great importance to simulate the DECA with Carsim and provide a proper way to measure the virtual fuel economy of vehicles. It may also contribute to explement related experiments.
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Data has been extracted from Tera Promise repository bug report files of Eclipse and Java Development Tools (JDT) open source software at These data sets have been given by An Ngoc Lam. The bug reports contain table having contents as bug_id, summary, description, report time, report time status, commit, and commit time files. Datasets have been extracted from these bug reports and reformatted in time domain format.
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Reliability paremeters for UHVDC
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The database contains PROCON metrics values extracted from more than 30400 source code files (with 14950 bug reports) of GitHub repository. Various Machine earning (ML) models trained using PROCON metrics outperform the ones trained using OO metrics of PROMISE repository.
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This file contains all data used on paper "Analyzing and Increasing the Reliability of Convolutional Neural Networks on GPUs"
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This dataset includes all the datum of our numerial simulations, which are generated from networks with 5-25 end-to-end paths.
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