Artificial Intelligence
This dataset provides the magneto-inertial signals from six MIMU (2 Xsens, 2 APDM, 2 Shimmer) and orientation from 8 reflective markers (VICON) at 3 different speeds (slow, medium, fast). Marker trajectories are provided. Proprietary orientations from MIMU vendors are also included. All data are synchronized at 100 Hz.
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Learning To Simulate Asymmetric Encryption With Adversarial Neural Networks
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Digital signature is an encryption mechanism used to verify the authenticity and integrity of message, which has higher complexity and security than traditional handwritten signature. However, the two main challenges of digital signature are security and computing speed. It then imposes a problem - how to quickly verify and sign digital signatures under the premise of ensuring security.
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Academic spaces are an environment that promotes student performance not only because of the quality of its equipment, but also because of its ambient comfort conditions, which can be controlled by means of actuators that receive data from sensors. Something similar can be said about other environments, such as home, business, or industry environment. However, sensor devices can cause faults or inaccurate readings in a timely manner, affecting control mechanisms. The mutual relationship between ambient variables can be a source of knowledge to predict a variable in case a sensor fails.
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PV data
Temperature (Celsius)33.00
Number of cells in series (ns)1
Number of cells in parallel (np)1
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Each voice sample is stored as a .WAV file, which is then pre-processed for acoustic analysis using the specan function from the WarbleR R package. Specan measures 22 acoustic parameters on acoustic signals for which the start and end times are provided.
The output from the pre-processed WAV files were saved into a CSV file, containing 3168 rows and 21 columns (20 columns for each feature and one label column for the classification of male or female).
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The outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China in December 2019 has rapidly spread across other countries in the world and has been declared as a global pandemic by WHO on 11th March, 2020. COVID-19 continues to have adverse effects on the health and economy of the global population and has brought immense pressure on the health care systems of the developing as well as developed countries.
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