This dataset was created for research on blockchain anomaly and fraud detection. And donated to IEEE data port online community.
Research experiments for this dataset can be found at https://github.com/epicprojects/blockchain-anomaly-detection
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This dataset was created for research on blockchain anomaly and fraud detection. And donated to IEEE data port online community.
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We provide a large benchmark dataset consisting of about: 3.5 million keystroke events; 57.1 million data-points for accelerometer and gyroscope each; and 1.7 million data-points for swipes. Data was collected between April 2017 and June 2017 after the required IRB approval. Data from 117 participants, in a session lasting between 2 to 2.5 hours each, performing multiple activities such as: typing (free and fixed text), gait (walking, upstairs and downstairs) and swiping activities while using desktop, phone and tablet is shared.
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Traditional Static Timing Analysis (STA) assumes only single input switches at a time with the side input held at non-controlling value. This introduces unnecessary pessimism or optimism which may cause degradation of performance or chip failure. Modeling Multi-Input Switching (MIS) requires a good amount of simulations hence we provide a dataset comprising of SPICE simulations done on 2 input NAND and NOR gate.
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The dataset is the result of exhaustive search of primary extended 1-perfect unitrades in the 10-cube, or, equivalently, triangle-free 5-regular connected induced subgraphs of the halved 10-cube. We list representatives of all the 38 equivalence classes.
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This data package is provided as supplementary material of the paper:
“A GPU Approach to Efficiently Reusing Constraint Proofs”, by M. Chen, G. Denaro and M. Pezzè,
submitted for evaluation to IEEE Transactions on software engineering, Nov. 2019.
The data package consists of 24 files:
- a file named _README.txt: this file
- a file named _programs.txt
- 22 files named <program_name>.sexpr
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