Signal Processing

In the experiment, participants were asked to perform 16 predefined gesture-motion protocols as shown in Fig. Each participant performed 1 experiment in the order of Fig, performing each movement 2 times with a 1-minute break in between each set of movements. Since the measured sEMG signals were almost harmless to the subjects, they could stop the experiment at any time to prevent any discomfort.


Physical layer security (PLS) is seen as the means to enhance physical layer trustworthiness in 6G. This work provides a proof-of-concept for one of the most mature PLS technologies, i.e., secret key generation (SKG) from wireless fading coefficients during the channel’s coherence time. As opposed to other works, where only specific parts of the protocol are typically investigated, here, we implement the full SKG chain in four indoor experimental campaigns.


Dataset I: This is the original EEG data of twelve healthy subjects for driver fatigue detection. Due to personal privacy, the digital number represents different participants. The .cnt files were created by a 40-channel Neuroscan amplifier, including the EEG data in two states in the process of driving.

Dataset II: This project adopted an event-related lane-departure paradigm in a virtual-reality (VR) dynamic driving simulator to quantitatively measure brain EEG dynamics along with the fluctuation of task performance throughout the experiment.


In this investigation, the researchers have used a commercially available millimeter-wave (MMW) radar to collect data and assess the performance of deep learning algorithms in distinguishing different objects. The research looks at how varied ambiance factors, such as height, distance, and lighting, affect object recognition ability in both static and dynamic stages of the radar.



This study examined the effectiveness of a detection-based lie detection method that determines lying conditions based on facial autonomic reactions. This technique combines with two other lie detection techniques using a multi sensor fusion technique that is used in the polygraph test to differentiate moments of participants lying and telling the truth about a picked-up card from a deck of cards. Experiments were conducted with 19 participants sitting in front of a camera connected to Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) probes and ECG probes for a polygraph test. 



This dataset contains approx. 5000 labeled images of marker on Smith Chart of Keysight VNA 9914a. Since smith chart contains "infinity" (although compensated in the device mathematically), the data from Smith Chart window pane is not apt for tuning the all-pole MW filters.

This dataset can be used to track the marker position while tuning the circuitary when considering Image Processing based Filter Tuning. Images are taken from various angles to ensure the robust behaviour and high detection accuracy. 


Automatic Modulation Classification (AMC) is a technique used to identify signal modulations in applications like cognitive radar, software-defined radio, and electronic warfare. With future communication systems like 6G operating at higher transmission frequencies than 5G, AMC algorithms need to be more complex yet suitable for embedded devices with limited resources. Although current AMC algorithms deliver high accuracy, they require substantial computing power, making them unsuitable for such devices.


ImgFi converts wifi channel state information into images, improving feature extraction and achieving 99.5% accuracy in human activity recognition using only three layers of convolution. In addition to the self-test dataset, three publicly available high-quality datasets, WiAR, SAR and Widar3.0, are used. WiAR collects 16 activity-reflected WiFi signals; SAR collects WiFi signals in response to 6 actions performed by 9 volunteers over 6 days, while Widar3.0 collects 6 action signals from 5 volunteers at different locations and antenna orientations.


The growth of the use of the Linux operating system in embedded systems projects brings to the spotlight essential questions about the capabilities of this operating system in real-time systems, in particular, soft real-time systems. In this context, the quantitative analysis of Linux-based embedded systems is the focus of this paper, which includes the evaluation of the latency time, jitter, and worst-case response time.


Radio Frequency (RF) signals transmitted by Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are exploited as signals of opportunity in many scientific activities, ranging from sensing waterways and humidity of the terrain to the monitoring of  the ionosphere. The latter can be pursued by processing the GNSS signals through dedicated ground-based monitoring equipment, such as the GNSS Ionospheric Scintillation and Total Electron Content Monitoring (GISTM) receivers.

