Power and Energy

This dataset holds the Simulink model and the main output results during a day of a PV/T Hybrid Solar Panel from the Department of Power Engineering and Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering, “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau. The obtained results including electrical and thermal efficiency are compared with the performances of a real PV/T System.

The dataset is related to the data used in an article under review sent to the Machines – an Open Access Journal from MDPI (Q2, IF=2.6).


A random batch of retired batteries from real-world applications is tested as follows.

Step 1: The battery is subjected to a charging process under a 1C rate CC regimen, reaching a cut-off voltage of 3.65V.

Step 2: The battery continues to charge under a CV phase at 3.65V until the cut-off current of 0.3A is achieved.

Step 3: A relaxation period ensues, strategically introduced to stabilize the electrochemical mechanism's internal dynamics and to minimize measurement discrepancies.


This project is a instruction for the parameters of the case studies in our paper "A Behavior-Based and Fast Convergence Energy Sharing Mechanism for Prosumers Community".

two_prosumer.npy:The parameters of the case studies on communities with 2 prosumers.
ten_prosumer.npy:The parameters of the case studies on communities with 10 prosumers.
fifty_prosumer.npy:The parameters of the case studies on communities with 50 prosumers.
hundred_prosumer.npy:The parameters of the case studies on communities with 100 prosumers


Partial discharge is a critical concern in high-voltage systems, with the potential to degrade or even cause catastrophic failures in equipment. Prior research has predominantly emphasized the mechanisms of gas ionization and electron mobility, frequently neglecting the influence of the formation process of neutral excited species on the discharge dynamics.


The three distribution systems provided in this dataset are based on the data provided in [1], and was developed in the line of research first reported in [2]. This dataset was used in Felipe's master thesis. The thesis developed a model that can operate a distribution system considering wildfire-prone climate conditions, with line investment options. In this work, we considered that part of the grid is vulnerable to the ignition of a wildfire, which can be influenced by the levels of power flows passing through the line segments within the region.


The dataset contains ttwo columns, the first column represent the 'Time' data , while the second column represents the 'Current' data's. These figures are from a simulation of the 750 VDC traction system. These figures also show the train's high beginning current and used to study the DC traction system.


The structure of the modified PJM 5-bus test system is illustrated in Fig.1, while the parameters can be found in this dataset. This system includes five generators, two wind farms (bus B and bus C) with the same forecast power output, one energy storage system (bus B), and three loads (bus B, bus C, and bus D) with the same level.


The Kirk circle is a simple and effective method for representing power graphs and visualizing their topology. In general, nodes (buses) in an electrical network are numbered with neighboring nodes assigned consecutive or closely proximal numbers. This allows for sequential mapping of these nodes in increasing order of their numerical labels to evenly spread points on a Kirk circle. In the Kirk circle, the edge connections (branches) between nodes are indicated by straight lines (chords) between the appropriate points on the circle.


ER-SPG is a Matlab code for producing synthetic power graphs using well-known Erdos-Renyi Random Model. It scales power graphs and achieves connectivity in each scale by different approach, and accordingly connected graphs with average degree between 2 to 5 (normally between 2.3 to 3.1) can be produced by ER_SPG with the structures similar to power graphs. It also reorders the graph vertices to obtain consecutive numbering similar to power graphs. This algorithm is also provides locations of zero injection buses (ZIBs) as operational data of power graphs.


# Datasets for stage 3

The datasets were collected from a software-based simulation environment simulating a small-scale IEC 61850-compliant substation with both the primary plant and the process bus.

The datasets consist of 148 attack scenarios, each scenario includes two benign behaviours (fault-free behaviours and emergency behaviours) and one type of malicious behaviour. 

