Power and Energy
DC-link dynamic is one of the most important issues for current source converters (CSC). In practice, the dc-link voltage suffers from the slow dynamic due to grid disturbances, which will affect the quality of output waveform and damage the converter. Many solutions have been presented to cope with it, but none of them achieve the zero dynamic dc-link voltage control. In order to fill the technical gap, a novel solution is proposed in this paper.
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This data-set consists of 3-phase differential currents of internal faults and 4 other transients cases for Phase Angle Regulators (PAR). The transients other than faults include magnetizing inrush, sympathetic inrush, external faults with CT saturation, and overexcitation conditions.
PSCAD/EMTDC software is used for simulation of the internal faults and the transients.
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Multiwinding-Transfomer-based (MTB) DC-DC converter did emerge in the last 25 years as an interesting possibility to connect several energy systems and/or to offer higher power density because of the reduction of transformer core material and reduction of power converter stages. MTB DC-DC converters can be considered as an interesting compromise between non-modular and a modular DC-DC converter since they are themselves modular in the construction.
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High-voltage batteries in battery electric vehicles face significant load fluctuations due to driving behavior. This dynamic performance of the powertrain is contrasted by the almost constant load of the auxiliary consumers. The highest auxiliary consumption is generated by the heating and air conditioning system, which decreases the vehicles range significantly. 72 real driving trips with a BMW i3 (60 Ah) were recorded, serving for model validation of a full vehicle model consisting of the powertrain and the heating circuit.
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Distribution 20kV Surge Arrester Historical Inspection Data from year 2007 to 2019 and from an European utility company
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20kV PILC Cable Historical Inspection Data from year 2007 to 2019 from an European utility company
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20kV XLPE Cable Historical Inspection Data from year 2010 to 2019 from an European utility company
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Asset health index evalualtion results from an European utility company
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This dataset contains python / jupyter notebooks with thermal magnitude data and loss simulations from IGBT-based converters. It also has implemented the proposed model and the results of the validations that compare the model with the simulations of three IGBT manufacturers.
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DataSet used in learning process of the traditional technique's operation, considering different devices and scenarios, the proposed approach can adapt its response to the device in use, identifying the MAC layer protocol, perform the commutation through the protocol in use, and make the device to operate with the best possible configuration.
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