Standard Dataset
Dataset of Collaborative Robots for Energy Consumption Modeling
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Juan Heredia
- Last updated:
- Tue, 08/17/2021 - 05:57
- DOI:
- 10.21227/9wnt-8v86
- Data Format:
- License:
- Categories:
- Keywords:
These datasets collect sensorial information about collaborative robot functioning. We recorded information from two different kinds of robots UR3e and UR10e. This dataset is used for data-driving modeling of the power consumption of cobots. The datasets have the following information: recording time, trajectory ID, joints' positions, joints' velocities, motor currents, motor torques, motor voltages, end effector position, force and momentum exerted to the end effector, current and voltage of the robot.
# Data Base Parameters Description
t : time
qx : x articulation position
dqx : x articulation speed
Iqx : x articulation current
TCPx : TCP x position
TCPy : TCP y position
TCPz : TCP z position
TCPa1 : TCP x rotation
TCPa2 : TCP y rotation
TCPa3 : TCP z rotation
Fx : Force x value in base coordinate system at tcp position as origin
Fy : Force y value in base coordinate system at tcp position as origin
Fz : Force z value in base coordinate system at tcp position as origin
Fa1 : Torque x value in base coordinate system at tcp position as origin
Fa2 : Torque x value in base coordinate system at tcp position as origin
Fa3 : Torque x value in base coordinate system at tcp position as origin
M : Norm of Cartesian linear momentum
V : Robot Voltage
I : Robot Current
JVx : Robot Articulation voltage
Tx : Robot Articulation torque
ID : ID Frame
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940 bytes |