
The attached zip contains both data and analysis scripts for the first two particle-in-cell examples in the associated paper. In particular,
(1) The BeamExpansion folder contains output z vs r phase space data from the quasi-Helmholtz FEMPIC code used in the paper at 3 ns (fempic.csv), as well as the equivalent data from an XOOPIC simulation (xoopic.txt). The analysis is done in the ipython notebook file in the folder. All of the plots in the paper was generated using this same script.
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This paper presents the theory and key experimental findings for an investigation into the generation of bimodal resonance
(frequency splitting) phenomena in mutually over-coupled inductive sensors, and its exploitation to evaluate relative separation and
angular displacement between coils. This innovative measurement technique explores the bimodal resonant phenomena observed
between two coil designs - solenoid and planar coil geometries. The proposed sensors are evaluated against first-order analytical
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A novel magnetic current based Surface-Volume-Surface Electric Field Integral Equation (SVS-EFIE-M) is presented for the problem of scattering on homogeneous non-magnetic dielectric objects. The exact Galerkin Method of Moments (MoM) utilizing both the rotational and irrotational vector spherical harmonics as orthogonal basis and test functions according to the Helmholtz decomposition is implemented to solve SVS-EFIE-M analytically for the case of dielectric sphere excited by an electric dipole.
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This dataset contains multimodal sensor data collected from side-channels while printing several types of objects on an Ultimaker 3 3D printer. Our related research paper titled "Sabotage Attack Detection for Additive Manufacturing Systems" can be found here: https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2971947. In our work, we demonstrate that this sensor data can be used with machine learning algorithms to detect sabotage attacks on the 3D printer.
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Design and fabrication outsourcing has made integrated circuits vulnerable to malicious modifications by third parties known as hardware Trojan (HT). Over the last decade, the use of side-channel measurements for detecting the malicious manipulation of the chip has been extensively studied. However, the suggested approaches mostly suffer from two major limitations: reliance on trusted identical chip (e.i. golden chip); untraceable footprints of subtle hardware Trojans which remain inactive during the testing phase.
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