Mathcad15 Implementation for JMMCT Article "Exact Solution of New Magnetic Current Based Surface-Volume-Surface EFIE and Analysis of Its Spectral Properties"

Citation Author(s):
University of Manitoba
Submitted by:
Vladimir Okhmatovski
Last updated:
Thu, 03/17/2022 - 20:21
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A novel magnetic current based Surface-Volume-Surface Electric Field Integral Equation (SVS-EFIE-M) is presented for the problem of scattering on homogeneous non-magnetic dielectric objects. The exact Galerkin Method of Moments (MoM) utilizing both the rotational and irrotational vector spherical harmonics as orthogonal basis and test functions according to the Helmholtz decomposition is implemented to solve SVS-EFIE-M analytically for the case of dielectric sphere excited by an electric dipole. The field throughout the sphere is evaluated and compared against the exact classical Mie series solution. The two are shown to agree to 12 digits of accuracy upon a sufficient number of basis/test functions taken in the MoM solution and the Mie series expansion. This exact solution validates the rigorous nature of the new SVS-EFIE-M formulation. It also reveals the spectral properties of its individual operators, their products and their linear combination. The spectrum of the MoM impedance matrix is also obtained. It is shown that upon choosing basis and test functions in L^2(S) space and evaluating testing inner products in the same space, the MoM impedance matrix features bounded condition number with increasing order of discretization and/or at low frequencies. This makes the proposed SVS-EFIE-M formulation free of oversampling and low-frequency breakdowns giving it advantage both over its SVS-EFIE-J predecessor and classical double-source integral equations such as PMCHWT, Muller, and others suffering from this type of numerical instabilities inherent to their inferior spectral properties.


As documentation we provide JMMCT article describing the method and solution of SVS-EFIE-M on dielectric sphere. Included Mathcad15 script (.mcd) implements the method. If user does not have Mathcad15 installed, he/she can unzip the and open SVS_EFIE_RevisedMie_TED_a0b1_eps10_f599M_Jan2022.html file with a web browser.

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File SVS-EFIE_M_Mar11_2022.pdf858.92 KB