
Given the difficulty to handle planetary data we provide downloadable files in PNG format from the missions Chang'E-3 and Chang'E-4. In addition to a set of scripts to do the conversion given a different PDS4 Dataset.


Existing datasets  for reflection symmetry detection contain shapes which are single contour shapes, thus they are not really challenging. We also need to consider how well a symmetry detector works on complex/compound shapes where traditional methods based on contour approach can not. On the other hand, there is only one symmetrical axes for every shape of this dataset. Therefore, this fails to evaluate how a symmetry detector works on a shape containing several symmetrical axis and how good the detection is when the number of symmetrical axis is unknown.


Our complex street scene(CSS) containing strong light and heavy shadow scenes mainly comes from the Kitti dataset.  Our datasets are captured by driving around Karlsruhe's mid-size city, in rural areas, and on highways. We equipped a standard station wagon with two high-resolution color and grayscale video cameras. Up to 15 cars and 30 pedestrians are visible per image. We aim to verify the performance of the algorithm in specific and complex street scenes.


The color fractal images with correlated RGB color components were generated using the midpoint displacement alogrithm, using vectorial increments in the RGB color space, according to a multivariate Gaussian distribution specified by the variance-covariance matrix. This data set contains two sets of 25 color fractal images with two color components, of varying complexity expressed as the color fractal dimension, as a function of (i) the Hurst coefficient that was varied from 0.1 to 0.9 in steps of 0.2 and (ii) the correlation coefficient between the red and green color channels.


We introduce HUMAN4D, a large and multimodal 4D dataset that contains a variety of human activities simultaneously captured by a professional marker-based MoCap, a volumetric capture and an audio recording system. By capturing 2 female and 2 male professional actors performing various full-body movements and expressions, HUMAN4D provides a diverse set of motions and poses encountered as part of single- and multi-person daily, physical and social activities (jumping, dancing, etc.), along with multi-RGBD (mRGBD), volumetric and audio data. Despite the existence of multi-view color datasets c


This dataset is for light field image augmentaion. The dataset contains 100 pairs of light field image, each of them consists of "original" and "modified". "Original" is light field image with only background, "modified" is light field image with exactly same background and an object on it.


To improve reproductivity of our papar, we would upload experimental data and resources of evaluations.


Solving the external perception problem for autonomous vehicles and driver-assistance systems requires accurate and robust driving scene perception in both regularly-occurring driving scenarios (termed “common cases”) and rare outlier driving scenarios (termed “edge cases”). In order to develop and evaluate driving scene perception models at scale, and more importantly, covering potential edge cases from the real world, we take advantage of the MIT-AVT Clustered Driving Scene Dataset and build a subset for the semantic scene segmentation task.


Semantic scene segmentation has primarily been addressed by forming representations of single images both with supervised and unsupervised methods. The problem of semantic segmentation in dynamic scenes has begun to recently receive attention with video object segmentation approaches. What is not known is how much extra information the temporal dynamics of the visual scene carries that is complimentary to the information available in the individual frames of the video.


The PRIME-FP20 dataset is established for development and evaluation of retinal vessel segmentation algorithms in ultra-widefield (UWF) fundus photography (FP). PRIME-FP20 provides 15 high-resolution UWF FP images acquired using the Optos 200Tx camera (Optos plc, Dunfermline, United Kingdom), the corresponding labeled binary vessel maps, and the corresponding binary masks for the valid data region for the images. For each UWF FP image, a concurrently captured UWF fluorescein angiography (FA) is also included. 

