.dat and .txt files

By introducing high randomness with reduced computational cost, physical layer (PHY) key generation is one of the candidate tools which can be used for the security of the Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Non-identical secret keys are one of the main problems of the physical layer (PHY) key generation schemes. In order to address this problem, key verification schemes which are based on information reconciliation are used.
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The data set with 20,936 data records and 525 attributes concerns Chinese healthcare and insurance.
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This raw data was used in a study looking at the correlations between 10 image quality metrics (IQMs) and the subjective image quality scores of expert radiologists. Nine MR images of the abdomin and of the brain were retrospectively degraded by noise, motion, undersampling, compression, and blurring. Each of these images we then evaluated by the radiologists and the IQM scores were calculated. This data set is made up of the radiologists' scores and the IQM scores.
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The Doppler spectrum (DS) of the signal backscattered at the low incidence angles from the sea surface was measured by the Ka-band radar in an experiment on a marine oceanographic platform on October 5, 2016. The dependence of DS shift and width on incidence angle and azimuth angle is given.
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The dataset was constructed by capturing real-time background traffic of 9 applications. The 9 applications represent different types of network behaviour in the background, for high level of network
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This file contains all data used on paper "Analyzing and Increasing the Reliability of Convolutional Neural Networks on GPUs"
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The geomagnetic disturbances caused during the solar storms create large-scale geo-magnetically induced currents (GICs) in long conductors at the Earth's surface. The GIC might cause hazard to the electrical transmission lines located at the vicinity of ocean. The unique physics behind this phenomena lies at the sharp contrast in the electrical conductivity between ocean and continent. Though analytical methods were used previously to study electromagnetic fields at ocean-continent boundaries, those were only limited for highly simplified geometries and sinusoidal sources.
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