Pressure position sensors and actuators are represented by red large and blue circles on the seating, respectively. Black circles display ultrasound sensors in the backrest, yellow arrows show output peripheral, and red arrows indicate peripheral input into the analog-digital converter.
S1= Preasure sensor, value 0-1023 decimal
S2= Preasure sensor, value 0-1023 decimal
S3= Preasure sensor, value 0-1023 decimal
S4= Ultrasonic sensor, value 0-15 cm
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In recent years, researchers have explored human body posture and motion to control robots in more natural ways. These interfaces require the ability to track the body movements of the user in three dimensions. Deploying motion capture systems for tracking tends to be costly and intrusive and requires a clear line of sight, making them ill adapted for applications that need fast deployment. In this article, we use consumer-grade armbands, capturing orientation information and muscle activity, to interact with a robotic system through a state machine controlled by a body motion classifier.
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The IAarticles.csv file has the IAarticles documents collection composed of 66,602 terms (dimensions), 40 documents (objects), and 4 classes (clu, mtx, ont, rif). In the first column it has the name of a document and in the last column it has its class.
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Recognition of human activities is one of the most promising research areas in artificial intelligence. This has come along with the technological advancement in sensing technologies as well as the high demand for applications that are mobile, context-aware, and real-time. We have used a smart watch (Apple iWatch) to collect sensory data for 14 ADL activities (Activities of Daily Living).
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The dataset includes a collection of news concerning one of the most divisive public debates supported on Italian media: the constitutional referendum (held on December 4th, 2016) . The data cover a total of four months and a half, from July 31st, 2016 to December 12th, 2016, a week after the date of the referendum, and come from either Facebook. We identify pubblic Twitter acounts of Italian official newspapers, following the exhaustive list provided by ADS, that is an association for the verification of newspaper circulation in Italy.
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Electronic Health Records and clinical longitudinal data have been visualized in a wide range of applications to assist the understanding of the status and evolution of patients. Few studies have objectively assessed these applications. We utilized the insights-based method to objectively assess the effectiveness of an application that visualizes longitudinal data from the Australian national electronic health record. Five professional psychiatrists took part in the assessment study.
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