This dataset of breast cancer patients was obtained from the 2017 November update of the SEER Program of the NCI, which provides information on population-based cancer statistics. The dataset involved female patients with infiltrating duct and lobular carcinoma breast cancer (SEER primary cites recode NOS histology codes 8522/3) diagnosed in 2006-2010. Patients with unknown tumor size, examined regional LNs, regional positive LNs, and patients whose survival months were less than 1 month were excluded; thus, 4024 patients were ultimately included.
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This work intend to identify characteristics in network traffic that are able to distinguish the normal network behavior from denial of service attacks. One way to classify anomalous traffic is the data analysis of the packets header. This dataset contains labeled examples of normal traffic (23.088 instances), TCP Flood attacks (14.988 instances), UDP Flood (6.894 instances), HTTP Flood (347 instances) and HTTP Slow (183 instances) distributed in 73 numeric variables.
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This dataset includes information on measured points used to obtain the exposed results in article named "ARIMA Modelling as an Alternative to the Least Squares Method: An Application for Electric Field Propagation"
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