Endoscopy Disease Detection and Segmentation (EDD2020)
- Submission Dates:
- 01/15/2020 to 03/06/2020
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- sharib ali
- Last updated:
- Sat, 02/27/2021 - 05:11
- DOI:
- 10.21227/f8xg-wb80
- Data Format:
- Links:
- License:
- Creative Commons Attribution
- Categories:
- Keywords:
Endoscopy is a widely used clinical procedure for the early detection of cancers in hollow-organs such as oesophagus, stomach, and colon. Computer-assisted methods for accurate and temporally consistent localisation and segmentation of diseased region-of-interests enable precise quantification and mapping of lesions from clinical endoscopy videos which is critical for monitoring and surgical planning. Innovations have the potential to improve current medical practices and refine healthcare systems worldwide. However, well-annotated, representative publically-available datasets for disease detection for assessing reproducibility and facilitating standardised comparison of methods is still lacking. Many methods to detect diseased regions in endoscopy have been proposed however these have primarily focussed on the task of polyp detection in the gastrointestinal tract with demonstration on datasets acquired from at most a few data centres and single modality imaging, most commonly white light. Here, we present our multi-class disease detection and segmentation challenge in clinical endoscopy. With this sub-challenge we aim to establish a comprehensive dataset to benchmark algorithms for disease detection. Specifically we aim to assess: Precise spatio-temporal localisation of disease regions using bounding boxes and exact pixel-level segmentation. Clinical applicability by assessing the online sequential for real-time monitoring and offline performance of algorithms for improved accuracy and better quantitative reporting. Participants will be provided with a set of annotated dataset labelled by medical experts and experienced doctoral/post-doctoral researchers with frames from 5 different international centres and multi organs targeting multiple populations and varied endoscopy video modalities associated with pre-malignant and diseased regions as follows: Organ 1: Colon-rectal, associated disease: polyp, cancer Organ 2: Oesophagus, associated disease: Barrett’s, dysplasia and cancer Organ 3: Stomach and duodenum, associated disease: pyloric inflammation, dysplasia, cancer
[1] Annotated data consists of 5 different disease classes
``BE, suspicious, HGD, cancer, polyp`` (see *class_list.txt* in the folder)
[2] Each image file is annotated for single or multiple disease classes
[3] Same disease class is merged in masks while kept as separate bounding boxes for detection task
[4] Bounding boxes are presented in VOC format. Please see fileFormatConverters of EAD2019 (https://github.com/sharibox/EAD2019/tree/master/fileFormatConverters)
[5] Getting started: we encourage to use EAD2019 github software tool for getting started (https://github.com/sharibox/EAD2019)
[6] Please note that you will have to replace 'class_list.txt' with the new one. Additionally, please add this information in the code where required *(we will update this soon!)*
- Event webpage where you will need to submit your results for online evaluation (https://edd2020.grand-challenge.org/Home/)
- Only registered users at the EDD challenge webpage are allowed to download data and participate in this challenge
- All evaluation results will be made publicly available on the leaderboard
- Only maximum of 2 submissions per day will be allowed
- Participation in all three tasks is not mandatory. However, to be eligible for awards you will need to accomplish all three tasks
- Participants willing to only submit their result for detection or semantic segmentation, however might be invited for presentation at the challenge-workshop depending upon their performance and scientific contribution
- All participants are required to submit a short description of their method
- Top performing individual or team will be contacted for 4 page paper detailing their methods based on which they will be invited to present their work and an online CEUR proceeding will be compiled
- Self-publication or any other sort of publication of results or data is not allowed and strictly forbidden (also see EDD_readme.md)
- Challenge organisers will have the right to disqualify any individual or team submission in case of the breach of rules
We have planned to award a total of 4 prizes:
- one each for each of the 3 sub-tasks, and
- one more for the team which ranks overall best across all 3 sub-tasks
We encourage everyone to submit results to all 3 sub-challenges. Please note that the top scorers will be awarded with prizes at the EDD2020 workshop at Iowa, USA on 3rd April 2020 (see here: http://2020.biomedicalimaging.org/challenges). Attendance is mandatory to receive your awards
Competition Dataset Files
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57.36 MB |
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Compitition data
Compitition data
Hello, i am interesting in
where can we download the data?
I submitted the data
I submitted the data application, more than ten days later, why haven't I received an email? and where can I download the data? Plese
I submitted the data
I submitted the data
I submitted the data
I submitted the data application, more than ten days later, why haven't I received an email? and where can I download the data? Plese
Dear all,
Dear all,
Our apologies. We have now released this data without requiring anyone to login and request. However, we suggest you to download it from our challenge website https://edd2020.grand-challenge.org, where we have provided a python script to download this.
Many thanks,
Best wishes,
Hi, it seems the python file
Hi, it seems the python file is no longer available on the website.
Is there any place to
Is there any place to download the dataset now?
Is the dataset still available?
I also can’t download the training data of Endoscopy Disease Detection and Segmentation (EDD2020) either on the official website or here.
Is the dataset still available?