Diego Felipe Paez Granados's picture

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First Name: 
Diego Felipe
Last Name: 
Paez Granados
ETH Zurich
Job Title: 
Head of SCAI Lab, Senior researcher
Robotics, Human-Robot Interaction, Exoskeletons, Mechatronics, Control Systems
Short Bio: 
Diego is the Head of the Spinal Cord Injury Artificial Intelligence (SCAI) Lab at the Swiss Paraplegic Center in Nottwil. The lab, established in 2022, focuses on prognosis, sensing and modeling for personalized health care of patients with a spinal cord injury. Diego received the Japanese MEXT scholarship from 2012 to 2017 to follow his Master's and PhD studies in Bioengineering and Robotics at Tohoku University, Japan. His research focuses on physical and cognitive human modeling, control for human-robot interaction, soft-robot design, and control with human-in-the-loop. He conducted Postdoctoral studies in assistive robotics from 2017 to 2018 at the Artificial Intelligence Lab at the University of Tsukuba in Japan. Then he worked in human sensing and modeling for robot control and safety at the Learning Algorithms and System Lab (LASA) at EPFL, Switzerland from 2019 to 2021. He is a grantee of the Toyota Mobility Unlimited Challenge (2018 and 2019), which lead to the start-up Qolo Inc., a company innovating personal mobility solutions and rehabilitation equipment for lower-body impairments. Diego is highly passionate about modeling the human body and achieving a patient digital twin to improve prognosis, build novel technologies, and assist healthcare workers and caregivers.

Datasets & Competitions

The current dataset – crowdbot – presents outdoor pedestrian tracking from onboard sensors on a personal mobility robot navigating in crowds. The robot Qolo, a personal mobility vehicle for people with lower-body impairments was equipped with a reactive navigation control operating in shared-control or autonomous mode when navigating on three different streets of the city of Lausanne, Switzerland during farmer’s market days and Christmas market. Full Dataset here: DOI:10.21227/ak77-d722


This dataset presents collisions between a service robot - Qolo - and pedestrian dummies: male adult Hybrid-III (H3) and child model 3-years-old (Q3). We present a set of collision scenarios for the assessment of pedestrian safety, considering possible impacts at the legs for adult pedestrians, and legs, chest and head for children.
