
This dataset is published to facilitate replication of the tests described in the article "Distributed Newton Method Over Graphs: Can Sharing of Second-order Information Eliminate the Condition Number Dependence?"
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This code is provided here for research purpose(s) only. You are allowed to use this code/data provided that you cite the following paper:
U. Lotrič, R. Pilipović, and P. Bulić, “A Hybrid Radix-4 and Approximate Logarithmic Multiplier for Energy Efficient Image Processing,” Electronics, vol. 10, no. 10, p. 1175, May 2021 [Online]. Available: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/electronics10101175
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Comparison of specific experimental data
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The data package contains 4 folders. The corresponding contents of each folder are as follows:
Fitting code for Ti-Pd-HfO2-Ag-Au device: Test data and fitting code for Ti-Pd-HfO2-Ag-Au device.
Matlab code: Model code that can be used in Matlab.
SPICE-like code: Model schematic and code that can be used in LTspice.
Verilog-a code: Model code that can be used for Hspice and Cadance.
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Dataset used in experiments reported in the paper "Scalable Energy Games Solvers on GPUs" accepted for publication in IEEE-TPDS
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<p>The dataset comprises 2035 images from 14 different software architectural patterns (100+ images each), viz., Broker, Client Server, Microkernel, Repository, Publisher-Subscriber, Peer-to-Peer, Event Bus, Model View Controller, REST, Layered, Presentation Abstraction Controller, Microservices, and Space-based patterns.</p>
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Instructions for authors submitting to TNS
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· 9/11 hijackers network dataset [20]: The 9/11 hijackers network incorporates 61 nodes (each node is a terrorist involved in 9/11 bombing at World Trade Centers in 2011). Dataset was prepared based on some news report, and ties range from ‘at school with’ to ‘on the same plane’. The Data consists of a mode matrix with 19*19 terrorist by terrorist having trusted prior contacts with 1 mode matrix of 61 edges of other involved associates.
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