probability distribution

Predicting the location where a lost person could be found is crucial for
    search and rescue operations with limited resources.
    To improve the
    precision and efficiency of these predictions,
    simulated agents can be
    created to emulate the behavior of the lost person.
    Within this study,
    we introduce an innovative agent-based model designed
    to replicate diverse psychological profiles of lost persons,
    allowing these agents to navigate real-world landscapes while making
    decisions autonomously


This dataset is used to design patent and many machines can be designed using this dataset.

This is a very important dataset to do breakthrough. One of the secrets behind invention is revealed in these datasets.

Part of this design, with manually done tabulated calculations were submitted as the proposal design (for innovation challenge) proposed by the author, in the small concept paper to Ministry of Railways, Govt. of India in the year 2017.

 As the Excel files(using LibreOffice) are given, so no paper is written is for it.
