
Secure cryptographic protocols are indispensable for modern communication systems. It is realized through an encryption process in cryptography. In quantum cryptography, Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is a widely popular quantum communication scheme that enables two parties to establish a shared secret key that can be used to encrypt and decrypt messages.
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The Bebop2 drone is controlled by the follow-the-carrot category to follow the planned path in a windy outdoor environment.
Constrained by the hardware, the drone can only be controlled via WIFI and works at a slow control rate.
Its localization is realized based on the IMU and ultrasonic altimeter because the accuracy of GPS is unsatisfactory.
However, the experiment result is still sufficient to support the validity of our path planning algorithm which is mainly concerned in our present researches.
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This dataset is very vast and contains tweets related to COVID-19. There are 226668 unique tweet-ids in the whole dataset that ranges from December 2019 till May 2020 . The keywords that have been used to crawl the tweets are 'corona', , 'covid ' , 'sarscov2 ', 'covid19', 'coronavirus '. For getting the other 33 fields of data drop a mail at "avishekgarain@gmail.com". Twitter doesn't allow public sharing of other details related to tweet data( texts,etc.) so can't upload here.
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This dataset is very vast and contains Bengali tweets related to COVID-19. There are 36117 unique tweet-ids in the whole dataset that ranges from December 2019 till May 2020 . The keywords that have been used to crawl the tweets are 'corona', , 'covid ' , 'sarscov2 ', 'covid19', 'coronavirus '. For getting the other 33 fields of data drop a mail at "avishekgarain@gmail.com". Code snippet is given in Documentation file. Sharing Twitter data other than Tweet ids publicly violates Twitter regulation policies.
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This dataset is very vast and contains Spanish tweets related to COVID-19. There are 18958 unique tweet-ids in the whole dataset that ranges from December 2019 till May 2020 . The keywords that have been used to crawl the tweets are 'corona', , 'covid ' , 'sarscov2 ', 'covid19', 'coronavirus '. For getting the other 33 fields of data drop a mail at "avishekgarain@gmail.com". Code snippet is given in Documentation file. Sharing Twitter data other than Tweet ids publicly violates Twitter regulation policies.
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
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This data set contains all relevant 3D mold files for modeling a pancreatic phantom described in the publication:
Benjamin Eigl et al.: A Multimodal Pancreas Phantom for Computer-Assisted Surgery Training.
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The SPICE model of a ferroelectric negative capacitance - electrostatic MEMS hybrid actuator is presented. The model is validated for static pull-in and release characteristics. The simulation results are in agreement with the analytical predictions available in the literature. The model could be used for investigating the static, dynamic and load-line analysis of the hybrid actuator. The SPICE model being circuit compatible could be used along with other standard device models to evaluate various CMOS-MEMS hybrid circuits.
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Improving performance and safety conditions on industrial sites remains a key element of the company's strategy. The major challenges require, the ability to dynamically locate people and goods on the site. Security and regulation of access to areas with different characteristics (types of tasks, level of risk or confidentiality...) are often ensured by doors or badge barriers. These means have several weaknesses when faced with inappropriate movements of people, but also an inappropriate use of objects or tools.
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The dataset is for twitter spam detection.
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