
We investigate the naïve idea of adults relating to opposite processes.
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The data set contains 152 measurements of room impulse responses for direction of arrival estimation, using a compact three-channel microphone array. Sources are placed at 10-degree intervals from -90 to 90 degrees in the azimuth plane at range 150 cm. There are also 5 off-grid measurement positions and 6 off-range positions - at ranges 1 m, 2 m, 2.5 m and 3 m. The measurements are performed in a furnished classroom, which is approximately rectangular and of dimensions 9 x 6 x 3 m. The reverberation time is 0.4 s.
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This dataset is published to facilitate replication of the tests described in the article "Distributed Newton Method Over Graphs: Can Sharing of Second-order Information Eliminate the Condition Number Dependence?"
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This code is provided here for research purpose(s) only. You are allowed to use this code/data provided that you cite the following paper:
U. Lotrič, R. Pilipović, and P. Bulić, “A Hybrid Radix-4 and Approximate Logarithmic Multiplier for Energy Efficient Image Processing,” Electronics, vol. 10, no. 10, p. 1175, May 2021 [Online]. Available: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/electronics10101175
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Comparison of specific experimental data
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The data package contains 4 folders. The corresponding contents of each folder are as follows:
Fitting code for Ti-Pd-HfO2-Ag-Au device: Test data and fitting code for Ti-Pd-HfO2-Ag-Au device.
Matlab code: Model code that can be used in Matlab.
SPICE-like code: Model schematic and code that can be used in LTspice.
Verilog-a code: Model code that can be used for Hspice and Cadance.
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Dataset used in experiments reported in the paper "Scalable Energy Games Solvers on GPUs" accepted for publication in IEEE-TPDS
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<p>The dataset comprises 2035 images from 14 different software architectural patterns (100+ images each), viz., Broker, Client Server, Microkernel, Repository, Publisher-Subscriber, Peer-to-Peer, Event Bus, Model View Controller, REST, Layered, Presentation Abstraction Controller, Microservices, and Space-based patterns.</p>
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