Artificial Intelligence

A dataset incldes 841 nodes. This dataset includes 841 nodes in a mobile social network, used to simulate the process of users being interconnected and influencing each other within the mobile social network. Each row of data consists of two numbers, representing the current location of the node. In the process of information dissemination, each user is a node, influenced by their neighboring nodes and also influencing those neighbors in return.


The dataset created focuses on the Pakistan Military by collecting five types of entities from Wikipedia: weapons, ranks, dates, operations, and locations. An open-source NER annotator was utilized for annotation, ensuring accurate labeling of data. Post-annotation, the data underwent cleaning and balancing processes. The final dataset comprises 660 neutral and 660 anti-military sentiment samples, totaling 1320 samples. This balanced dataset serves as a valuable resource for sentiment analysis, providing insights into public sentiment regarding military-related topics.


According to US NOAA, unexploded ordnances (UXO) are ”explosive weapons such as bombs, bullets, shells, grenades, mines, etc. that did not explode when they were employed and still pose a risk of detonation”. UXOs are among the most dangerous, threats to human life, environment and wildlife protection as well as economic development. The risks associated with UXOs do not discriminate based on age, gender, or occupation, posing a danger to anyone unfortunate enough to encounter them.


The massive damage caused by COVID-19 worldwide over the past two years has highlighted the importance of predicting the spread of infectious diseases. Therefore, with advances in deep learning, numerous and diverse methods have been considered for predicting the spread of infectious diseases. However, these studies have shown that the long-term prediction abilities of deep learning models are insufficient to predict the course and propagation of COVID-19 outbreaks.


The cigarette packaging defect dataset consists of 18,862 images encompassing 26 types of defects. Each image has a resolution of 1600×1200. We utilized the LabelImg software package to annotate the images, assigning a bounding box and a class label to each defect. These annotations are saved in VOC format. All data will be made publicly available upon the acceptance of the paper. For further details, please contact the corresponding author.


The objective of this study is to conduct a systematic examination of research trends and hotspots in the domain of autonomous vehicles leveraging deep learning, through a bibliometric analysis. By scrutinizing research publications from various countries spanning 2017 to 2023, this paper aims to summarize effective research methodologies and identify potential innovative pathways to foster further advancements in AVs research. A total of 1,239 publications from the core collection of scientific networks were retrieved and utilized to construct a clustering network.


This dataset contains different intestinal polyp datasets, in which the method of dividing test set and training set is the same as that mentioned in most intestinal polyp segmentation methods, where the training set consists of pictures from Kvasir and CVC-ClinicDB, and pictures from the two datasets are mixed into the same training set. The test set clearly indicates the division of the test set from different data sets in the form of folder names, and all images are unified as 352*352.


Maternal, sexual and reproductive healthcare (MSRH) are sensitive urgent public health issues that require timely trustworthy authentic medical responses. Unfortunately, curative healthcare systems of Low Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) are insufficiently responsive to such healthcare needs. Such needs vary among social groups often founded on social inequalities like income, gender and education.

Last Updated On: 
Sun, 06/30/2024 - 14:01

In the era of advanced artificial intelligence, the integration of emotional intelligence into AI systems has become crucial for developing Responsible Software Systems that are not only functional but also emotionally perceptive. The Microe dataset, a pioneering compilation focusing on micro-expressions, aims to revolutionize AI systems by enhancing their capability to recognize and interpret subtle emotional cues. This dataset encompasses over eight classes of common emotions, meticulously captured and categorized to aid in the synthesis and recognition of micro-expressions.

Last Updated On: 
Tue, 07/16/2024 - 11:30

3D Gaussian Splatting performs 3D reconstruction by densifying sparse point clouds into Gaussian ellipsoids of the order of 100,000, and the reconstruction results show excellent visual effects. However, the point cloud data derived from 3D Gaussian Splatting is not fully utilized in the reconstruction process. To this end, this paper proposes to optimize the point cloud data derived from 3D Gaussian Splatting to improve the rendering quality of 3D Gaussian Splatting. First, the sparse point cloud is input into 3D Gaussian Splatting for reconstruction.

