Power and Energy

Advances in Wireless Sensor Network Technology (WSN) have provided the availability of small and low-cost sensor with capability of sensing various types of physical and environmental conditions, data processing and wireless communication. In WSN, the sensor nodes have a limited transmission range, and their processing and storage capabilities as well as their energy resources are limited. Triple Umpiring System (TUS) has already been proved its better performance on Wireless Sensor Networks. Clustering technique provides an effective way to prolong the lifetime of WSN.


The dataset contains fundamental approaches regarding modeling individual photovoltaic (PV) solar cells, panels and combines into array and how to use experimental test data as typical curves to generate a mathematical model for a PV solar panel or array.



The work starts with a short overview of grid requirements for photovoltaic (PV) systems and control structures of grid-connected PV power systems. Advanced control strategies for PV power systems are presented next, to enhance the integration of this technology. The aim of this work is to investigate the response of the three-phase PV systems during symmetrical and asymmetrical grid faults.


This work presents a novel Anti-Islanding (AI) protection of Photovoltaic (PV) Systems based on monitoring the dc-link voltage of the PV inverter. A PV System equipped with AI protection like frequency relays, a rate of change of frequency (ROCOF) relay, and respectively the proposed dc-link voltage relay is simulated under the conditions of islanding and the detection time for all these AI techniques are compared. The study shows under which conditions our proposed dc-link voltage AI relay is the most efficient.


This work presents a Matlab/Simulink study on anti-islanding detection algorithms for a 100kW Grid-Connected Photovoltaic (PV) Array. The main focus is on the islanding phenomenon that occurs at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) between Grid-Connected PV System and the rest of the electric power system (EPS) during various grid fault conditions. The Grid-Connected PV System is simulated under the conditions of islanding, and anti-islanding (AI) relay reaction times are measured through the simulation.


This work aims to implement in Matlab and Simulink the perturb-and-observe (P&O) and incremental conductance Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithms that are published in the scientific literature.


This work presents the performance evaluation of incremental conductance maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm for solar photovoltaic (PV) systems under rapidly changing irradiation condition. The simulation model, carried out in Matlab and Simulink, includes the PV solar panel, the dc/dc buck converter and the MPPT controller. This model provides a good evaluation of performance of MPPT control for PV systems.


The distributed generation, along with the deregulation of the Smart Grid, have created a great concern on Power Quality (PQ), as it has a direct impact on utilities and customers, as well as effects on the sinusoidal signal of the power line. The a priori unknown features of the distributed energy resources (DER) introduce non-linear behaviours in loads associated to a variety of PQ disturbances.


The aim of the database consists of providing the researchers with a collection of power quality real-life impulsive events to test experiments and measurement instruments. The dataset provides signals recordings from the power network of the University of Cádiz during the last five years (electrical network according to the UNE-EN-50160: 2011).

The dataset offers a diversity of real impulsive events, which are specifically acquired in order to test Power Quality Instruments according to the UNE-IEC 61000-4-11: 2005.

