Image Processing
This dataset contains video sequences and stereo reconstruction results supporting the IEEE Access contribution "Stereo laryngoscopic impact site prediction for droplet-based stimulation of the laryngeal adductor reflex" (J. F. Fast et al.).
See readme file for further information.
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This contains data corresponding to the paper Multi-Resolution Data Fusion for Super-Resolution Imaging.
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Without publicly available dataset, specifically in handwritten document recognition (HDR), we cannot make a fair and/or reliable comparison between the methods. Considering HDR, Indic script’s document recognition is still in its early stage compared to others such as Roman and Arabic. In this paper, we present a page-level handwritten document image dataset (PHDIndic_11), of 11 official Indic scripts: Bangla, Devanagari, Roman, Urdu, Oriya, Gurumukhi, Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada.
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An offline handwritten signature dataset from two most popular scripts in India namely Roman and Devanagari is proposed here.
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<p>The dataset comprises 2035 images from 14 different software architectural patterns (100+ images each), viz., Broker, Client Server, Microkernel, Repository, Publisher-Subscriber, Peer-to-Peer, Event Bus, Model View Controller, REST, Layered, Presentation Abstraction Controller, Microservices, and Space-based patterns.</p>
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Supplementary materials for manuscript: Self-absorption Correction in X-ray Fluorescence Computed Tomography with Deep Convolutional Neural Network,
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Medical Symptoms are sometimes very tricky to analyse in real time as it takes time for example, first to detect the symptoms then to perform some tests and finally coming to a solution. This process can be eliminated and lot of time can be saved by introducing the concept of Deep learning. CNNs create a network for extracting the features of a given image in order to evaluate the image based on the conditions required. This property of the CNN is used as a certain advantage in order to detect the symptoms based on the type of X-ray images provided.
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The Objects Mosaic Hyperspectral Database contains 10,666 hyperspectral cubes of size 256x256x29 in the 420-700nm spectral range. This original hyperspectral database of real objects was experimentally acquired as described in the paper "SHS-GAN: Synthetic enhancement of a natural hyperspectral database", by J. Hauser, G. Shtendel, A. Zeligman, A. Averbuch, and M. Nathan, in the IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging.
In addition, the database contains the SHS-GAN algorithm, which enables to generate synthetic database of hyperspectral images.
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The dataset consists of 751 videos, each containing the performance one of the handball actions out of 7 categories (passing, shooting, jump-shot, dribbling, running, crossing, defence). The videos were manually extracted from longer videos recorded in handball practice sessions.
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