Electromagnetic imaging

This dataset contains samples of the scattered field from a set of flat metallic objects. It includes several files corresponding to eight different measurement planes, where the distances between the plane containing the antennas and the plane containing the targets are 74.3913 cm, 66.4120 cm, 61.4173 cm, 56.4063 cm, 51.4131 cm, 46.3873 cm, 41.4244 cm, and 36.4289 cm. The measurement setup corresponds to a multistatic L-shaped configuration.


The present contribution consists of two files. The first one (measurements_25GHz_11planes.mat) contains a series of measurements of the scattered electric field using two two-dimensional objects made of aluminum foil as targets. The dataset consists of S21 paramenter measurements, captured with a VNA at a frequency of 25 GHz. The field was sampled in 11 planes located at different distances from the plane containing the objects under test.


The performance of a novel ultra-compact Artificial Magnetic Conductor (AMC)-backed Twin Arrow antenna, operative in the 24 GHz frequency band, have been test for an electronic travel aid (ETA) system. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) techniques for high-resolution electromagnetic imaging have been implemented by taking advantage of the natura movement of the user’s body. Experimental measurements for electronic travel aid purposes were conducted by generating electromagnetic images of the surrounding environment. The antenna is moved by means of simple arm swings.


The effect of phase changes along the antenna radiation pattern beamwidth and bandwidth on synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging is evaluated by means of electromagnetic simulations. Electromagnetic images have been obtained in order to characterize the effect of the non-uniform phase of the antenna radiation pattern on this type of measurements. Three different situations have been analyzed: i) phase variations across the angular range, ii) nonlinear phase shift across the working frequency band and iii) antenna phase center shift across the bandwidth.


The data contains both CST data and Experiment data which used at the paper:'Validation of a three-dimensional DBIM-TwIST algorithm for microwave tomography'.


The proposed signals are used  for electromagnetic-based stroke classification.  Six realistic head phantom computed from MRI scans, is surrounded by an antenna array of 16 dipole antennas distributed uniformly around the head. These antennas are deployed in a fixed circular array around the head, at a distance of approximately 2-3 mm from the head. A Gaussian pulse covering the bandwidth from 0:7 to 2 GHz is emitted from each of the antennas, sequentially, while all of the antennas capture the scattered signals. Since 16 antennas were used, there are a total of 256 channel signals (i.e.
