
The Fuyong dataset records 134 stroke patients who received treatment in the Shenzhen Fuyong People's Hospital between March 1, 2022, and September 31, 2024. Besides, medical records of 435 stroke patients treated in the Affiliated Taizhou People's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University between January 1, 2020, and December 31, 2023, are included in the Taizhou dataset. These two datasets use the pre- and post-thrombolysis of the NIHSS scores as a metric for evaluating the immediate efficacy of the thrombolytic intervention.


This study investigates the worst-case Single-Event Effect (SEE) response in semiconductor
power devices induced by energetic ions. An existing predictive model is refined and extended to potentially
consider various semiconductor materials, other geometries and technologies. Comprehensive expressions
for predicting critical ion energies that lead to worst-case SEE response in semiconductor power devices are
obtained through computational simulations. A dedicated experiment is conducted to investigate the model


    The dataset used in this study is a comprehensive, publicly available dataset designed for research purposes, encompassing various features related to the public sector. It includes data on all genders (male and female) from diverse regions, age groups, and educational levels. The dataset was sourced from CAPMAS reports (2018-2023), which provide quarterly updates on the labor force, including details on unemployment assessments categorized by geographical distribution.


The daily case data for HFMD (Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease) and herpangina were collected from the Children’s Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, a national clinical medical research center of China, spanning from January 1, 2015, to December 31, 2021. This dataset contains the timestamp of each patient's discharge, resulting in a total of 109,096 records for HFMD and 133,869 records for herpangina.


This dataset contains solar radiation data at the high resolution of 1 second for consecutive 72 hours under dynamic weather conditions (sunny and cloudy days). This data can be useful in various fields and researchers can use it in their research for algorithms validation and performance evaluation. 


The data is planned to be used in thunderstorm movement path prediction.


This dataset was prepared to estimate the winding temperature of a BLDC motor for a variable load and speed profile. It contains two files. The first one is the measurement results for the motor without cooling, while the second one is the measurement results after installing an additional cooling fan on the shaft. The data included in the files are time stamp, winding temperature, casing temperature, speed, current, power loss, mean and standard deviation of the measured quantities for 14400 data records.


In this paper, we present a collaborative recommend system that recommends elective courses for students based on similarities of student’s grades obtained in the last semester. The proposed system employs data mining techniques to discover patterns between grades. Consequently, we have noticed that clustering students into similar groups by performing clustering. The data set is processed for clustering in such a way that it produces optimal number of clusters.


Academic spaces are an environment that promotes student performance not only because of the quality of its equipment, but also because of its ambient comfort conditions, which can be controlled by means of actuators that receive data from sensors. Something similar can be said about other environments, such as home, business, or industry environment. However, sensor devices can cause faults or inaccurate readings in a timely manner, affecting control mechanisms. The mutual relationship between ambient variables can be a source of knowledge to predict a variable in case a sensor fails.
