
Electric Vehicles Charging Station with Photovoltaic Panels
This dataset contains the model and simulation output results in Matlab/Simulink of a three-phase grid-connected charging station with PV panels for electric vehicles realized in a work submitted to the 13th IEEE International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering EPEi 2024, Iasi, Romania, October 17-19, 2024 (
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This repo contains data and code that has been used for the publication ” Methodology for the Techno-economic Assessment of Medium-Voltage Photovoltaic Prosumers Under Net-Metering Policy” submitted @ IEEE Access. (The full reference should be added in close future.)
This work is an extension of the paper “Viability Assessment of PV Systems in University Campuses Under the Net-Metering Policy” that has been presented in the 2020 55th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC).
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This dataset includes PV power production measured on the SolarTech Lab, Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Data are freely available for scientific research purpose and further data validation.
In particular, the dataset is composed of the following variables and specifics, with a time resolution of 1 minute:
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Research on Optimizing the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources into the Electrical Power Systems
In this project one model the photovoltaic and wind power sources in order to analyze how to optimally integrate them in the electrical power systems. Integration requirements like transient regimes associated with fault occurrence, identification of the electrical power systems responsible for disturbances, and optimization of the integration are focus points of the research.
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