millimeter wave

This data provides realized gain values for a handset operating at 28 GHz, with 3 4x1 linear antenna arrays placed around the handset along the right edge, bottom edge and back face of the handset. Beam steering was carried out at each of these antenna arrays and results for the handset with and without the hand phantom are included to show the effect that the introduction of the hand phantom has on the realized gain of the handset.



This file contains the MAB algorithms for millimeter wave (mmWave) beamforming training (BT) in Indoor environment for both single beam and concurrent beams scenarios. The algorithms were developed using MATLAB software and they are making use of the following data set




We conduct to our knowledge a first measurement study of commercial 5G performance on smartphones by closely examining 5G networks of three carriers (two mmWave carriers, one mid-band 5G carrier) in three U.S. cities. We conduct extensive field tests on 5G performance in diverse urban environments. We systematically analyze the handoff mechanisms in 5G and their impact on network performance, and explore the feasibility of using location and possibly other environmental information to predict the network performance.
